3 types of diseases presented at birth:
- Chromosomal Aberrations
- Genetic Defects
- Congenital Defects
Each cell has how many chromosomes (except gamate cells)?
23 pairs = 46 chromosomes
How many chromosomes do gamate cells have?
23 chromosomes
Chromosome slide shows:
normal male karyotype.
What are the 22 pairs called? What is the 23rd pair called?
1-22 is autosomes. 23rd is the sex-linked chromosome.
What is trisomy?
Extra chromosome.
Down Syndrome is called…
Trisomy-21. There is an extra 21st chromosome.
What are characteristics of down syndrome?
Slanted eyes with round face.
Short, stocky stature.
Learning deficiency yet extremely good disposition.
Sub-par immune system so tend to be sickly.
Usually develop Alzheimer’s if survive to age 60.
Klinefelter’s Syndrome is called…
Trisomy-23. There is an extra 23rd sex chromosome = XXY.
What are characteristics of Klinefelter’s Syndrome?
Male genitalia at birth.
Secondary female traits during puberty like gynecomastia (breast tissue) and pelvic girdle widens.
Some learning impairment.
Usually are sterile.
Turner’s Syndrome is called…
Monosomy-23. There is only one sex chromosome = Xo. This individual only has 45 total chromosomes.
What are characteristics of Turner’s syndrome?
Female genitalia at birth.
Minimal changes at puberty like lack of breast development, pelvis does not widen, and sterile.
Very bright!
Turner’s responds to hormone therapy if diagnosed early enough and can become fertile again and have kids.
What is autosomal recessive genetic disease?
Autosomal recessive is one of several ways that a trait, disorder, or disease can be passed down through families. It can happen on any of the 1-22 chromosomes (not the 23rd sex chromosome).
Genes line up in pairs in the…
Each gene of the pair is referred to as an…