HCS2023 WEEK 6 LECTURE Flashcards
what can DLD difficulties be in?
pragmatics, social language use
verbal learning and memory
reading, writing
what can DLD difficulties in phonology include
speech sound system
what can DLD difficulties in syntax include
grammar, tenses, marking for plurals
what was Bishop’s CATALISE
multinational and multidisciplinary Delphi consensus study
what was aim of CATALISE
seek consensus on identifying children who needs language support
what was findings for CATALISE
2 diagnostic terms of = DLD, language disorder associated with X
what 4 key points should we consider if referring a child for evaluation (catalise)
concern with SLC
behavioural, psychiatric issue
extreme departure from normal development (in under 5 year old)
persistent problem with comprehension or using communication language in child 5+
what should assessments do? (catalise)
combine multiple source, no sharp cutoff, stage approach on different language aspect sensitive to social/language background, acknowledge standardised test often has issues, assess pragmatics, and determine if production issue as linguistic, strucutral or motor origins
name red flags of DLD age 1-2
no babbling, or responding to speech
minimal communication attempt
name red flags of DLD age 2-3
minimal interaction, or reaction to spoken language
no intention to communicate
no words
regression of language dev
name red flags of DLD age 3-4
max 2-word utterance
doesn’t understand simple instruction
close relative able understand much speech
name red flags of DLD age 4-5
inconsistent interactions
at most 3-word utterance
poor understanding of spoken language
strangers can’t understand most of speech
close relatives can’t understand more than 1/2 speech
name red flags of DLD age 5+
difficulty telling coherent story - producing narrative
difficulty understanding whats read or listened to
difficulties following, remembering instruction
talking lots but struggle engage in reciproc convo
lots of over-literal interpretat
what does pravelence of diagnoses depend on
cut off used
what is cut off in ICD-10?
requirement for score on individually-administered standardised language test to be 2 SD below mean