HC9. Parental Mediation Flashcards
Socialization theory
learning about existing rules and norms in society
Parental mediation types (3)
(1) restrictive mediation
(2) active/instructive mediation
(3) co-usage mediation
Active mediation
Parents’ positive engagement with children to discuss, explain and talk about media content and appropriate media use
Why does active mediation work? (theory + result)
(1) Self-determination theory – children feel that their parents respect their perspectives and support their autonomy (which fosters moral internalization)
> As a result, children tend to obey parental guidance (<> reactance)
Restrictive mediation
Rule-making, limit time & restricting content (checking activities)
Engaging in media together without actively engaging
Results study 1 (mediation types effects, 3)
(1) Restrictive mediation directly associated with time spent on media
(2) Active mediation smaller effects
(3) Active mediation and co-usage more effective in protecting children from media-related risks (able to protect themselves)
Why are teenagers vulnerable target audience? (3)
(1) not aware of commercial data use
(2) find participating online more important than privacy
(3) do not care about social privacy
Study Sanne Holvoet findings (4)
All hypotheses confirmed:
(1) children less media skills = a. parents more presumed negative influences & b. less presumed positive influences
(2) parent’s a. increased/b. decreased presumed a. negative/b. positive influences a. increases/b. decreases their parental concern
(3) parental concerns positively related to perceived parental responsibility
(4) parent’s perceptions of children’s media skills INDIRECT effect on perceived responsibility through presumed influences and parental concern
Perception of teenagers’ media skills predicted by … (6) + when are perceptions of skills high?
(1) education level
(2) parents’ gender
(3) children’s gender
(4) parents’ age
(5) children’s age
(6) parents’ own media skills