HC3. Prosocial Behavior Flashcards
Definition prosocial behavior
Helping others with the aim to give them benefits or to increase their wellbeing
Why help? (4)
(1) evolutionary factors (survival)
(2) reciprocal altruism (return)
(3) situational factors
(4) individual differences
Situational factors (when don’t we help, 6)
(1) diffusion of responsibility (bystander effect)
(2) lack of competence (don’t know how to help)
(3) pluralistic ignorance (coping others behavior)
(4) not spotting emergency (distractions/self-concern)
(5) audience inhibition (others judge)
(6) ambiguity (don’t know background)
Definition online prosocial behavior (OPB)
Voluntary behavior carried out in an electronic context with the intention of benefiting particular others or promoting harmonious relations with others
Online prosocial behavior concerns (2)
(1) Anonimity >Increasing audience inhibition, diffusion of responsibility >Decreasing ambiguity (2) Lack of non-verbal cues >Decreasing empathy >Increasing ambiguity
Why OPB important? (3)
(1) maintaining balance (risks vs. opportunities)
(2) social bonds/interactions
(3) societal norms
Being in a good mood benefits (2) & theory (1)
(1) positive mood effect (more helpful when happy)
(2) happiness feedback loop (e.g., charity)
(1) broaden & build theory
- expands people’s mindset (“broaden”)
- think of others and do good (“building
Spillover/crossover effects
Spillover: transmission emotional states between contexts (home/work)
Crossover: transmission emotional states between individuals (parent/child)
Results study 1 (parents/children spillover/crossover, 4)
(1) spillover hypothesis confirmed
(2) crossover hypothesis partially confirmed (only between mother/daughter)
(3) happiness - OPB (only for girls)
(4) mediation effect (on days that girls felt happier after school or that their mothers were happier after work, they behaved more prosocially online)
Mood maintencance process
People in a happy mood seek out positive
experiences to maintain or elevate mood
Definition shyness
Emotional distress and inhibition that occur in the presence of others (les likely to help > anxiety/lack of social skills)
(Social) self-efficacy & shyness
Individuals’ belief in their capacity to effectively handle interpersonal interactions, successfully initiate social contact, maintain and develop friendships (shy people lower OPB due to lack of self-efficacy)
Empathy & shyness
Empathic individuals behave more prosocial due to their self-transcendence values (compared to self-enhancement values)
Shyness: tend to be easily overwhelmed and focus on their own negative feelings, lower empathy & OPB
Results study 2 (shyness)
(1) shyness&OPB not directly related
(2) via mediators self-efficacy, perspective taking and empathy shyness indirectly related to OPB
How to empower shy individuals to engage in OPB?
Increase self-efficacy
Role model (what do they do?)
set an example for behavior for us to imitate or model (cf. social learning)
Increasing involvement effects (2)
- message perceived as more relevant, interesting, important
- in combination with strong arguments > higher likelihood of behavioral/attitudal changes
Self-referencing involvement
A message’s degree of personal relevance to the recipient
Empathy-altruism hypothesis
Altruistic motivation (i.e. the motivation to increase another person’s welfare) results from the experience of empathy with a person in need, and from the desire to increase this person’s welfare > When someone feels more empathy for a person in need = altruistic motivation
Reactance towards prosocial message
motivational state directed towards the re-establishment, threatened or eliminated freedom (autonomy threat)
Results study 3 (personalization, 2)
> If people had a name, it was more relevant to themselves, and that made them have higher empathy. That in turn had an affect on prosocial outcomes.
Those who saw a jacket with their name on, had increased reactance