HB CC, S & BC Flashcards
Environmental pollution and pollutants originating from human activity.
Life Cycle Assessments
Environmental Management System
outline the organizational structure, operational activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, and resources. While they can also identify steps for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing, and maintaining environmental policy
We can work towards a more sustainable future by remembering to look after the 5P’s
People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership
Nature-Based Solutions
NBS and their ability to regulate temperature, with those implemented over the next few years, beginning to have an impact around 2040.
Soft adaptation strategies and focus on ecosystem restoration and enhancement of ecosystem services, to protect against the negative impacts of climate change.
3 main ways to avoid increasing emissions through NBS
- by protecting ecosystems, thus, reducing further carbon release (e.g., limiting deforestation).
- to restore ecosystems, such as wetlands, so that they sequester carbon.
- to improve land management, for timber, crops and grazing, reducing emissions of carbon, methane and nitrous oxide, as well as sequestering carbon.
Green Recovery can be created by (3)
- incentives
- job creation in the environmental, carbon capture and renewable sectors
- implementing large scale restoration of ecosystems.
Ways to improve sustainability on a small or larger scale (8):
- Reduce waste being produced (e.g local recycling, avoid single use, appropriate storage etc).
- Reduce mileage (locally sourced, seasonally plentiful products are best).
- Use renewable energy (generate your own, switch to a green provider or to a renewable energy tariff).
- Reduce consumption (water, household products/chemicals, energy etc).
- Improve efficiencies (identify wasteful practices and streamline processes).
- Offset carbon (tree planting, conservation partnerships etc).
- Greener transport (concentrated products, bulk buying, use green fuel/electric or support cycling or walking schemes).
- Improving biodiversity (create more green spaces, establish wildlife gardens or ponds, partner with local wildlife groups, plant flowers for pollinators).
Nationally Determined Contributions
How to promote positive environmental action through behaviour change (7)?
- Know your audience
- Make it easy
- Create a new ‘social norm’
- The fastest way to individual behaviour change may be through higher policy change
- Small changes add up
- What type of action do you want to promote?
- Remember that all behaviour is situational
Creating the right tone in messages for sustainable changes. 3 things to remember…
- Remember, the language we use, matters
- Keep messages fun, surprising and image based
- Emphasise personal relevance
Actions aiming to change human behaviour should consider both internal and external factors and provide effective prompts to behavioural change in 5 ways…
- Education and awareness
- Outreach and relationship building
- Social Influence
- Nudges and behavioural insights
- Incentives
Global warming contributes to sea-level rise in two major ways;
Through melting of glaciers, and ice sheets and expansion of ocean water as it warms
Climate refugees are
people who have been forced to leave their home due to the effects of severe climate events
The rising tide brings with it…
beach erosion and the contamination of fresh water supplies. As the salt water seeps in, it destroys everything, spoiling the soil for growing crops and overflowing the sanitation systems.
Ecosystem based solutions
is the study and recording of the dates of recurrent natural events (such as the flowering of a plant or the first or last appearance of a migrant bird) in relation to seasonal climatic changes.
7 Key spring and autumn phenology trends:
- Earlier breeding and/or singing birds
- Earlier budding on trees and plants
- Earlier flowering in plants
- Earlier arrival of migratory breeding birds
- Earlier appearance of butterflies
- Earlier amphibian spawning
- Delayed onset of autumn
‘is the avoidance of natural resource depletion in order to maintain an ecological balance’. It is also defined as the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level.
Pillars of Sustainability
Economic, social, and environmental (or ecological) factors
Scope of the three pillars
• Social equity: The social pillar relates to respecting the environment and the resources it offers. It covers aspects such as, improving equity in education, health, personal safety and leisure.
• Economic feasibility: The economic pillar relates to the needs of the population and environmental limits. Highlighting the fact that a productive system must meet the needs of society, without jeopardizing the natural resources and wellbeing of future generations.
• Environmental protection: The Environmental pillar relates to the laws, regulations, and other policy or practices impacting the environment. This might include include air and water pollution, waste management, ecosystem management, the protection of natural resources, wildlife and overall biodiversity.
Ecosystem services
Are the functions of the ecosystems that in some way benefit mankind.
The services we receive are naturally sustainable and considered “free” from nature, such as wild fish, pollinating insects, fresh water, natural pesticides and fertile soil. Many of these so-called ecosystem services are impossible to replace with technology on the scale nature performs them.
Ecosystem services - Provisioning (5)
Building Material
Genetic resources
Ecosystem services - Supporting (5)
Soil formation
Nutrient cycling
Water cycling
Ecosystem services - Regulating (5)
Air quality
Climate regulation
Soil erosion
Flood control
Carbon storing