Hazmat Flashcards
What is the legislation associated with Storage and Handling of Dangerous Goods?
Dangerous Good legislation
What is the legislation associated with Transporting Dangerous Goods?
Australian Dangerous Goods code
Which sections of the FRV Act authorises FRV to respond to a Hazmat incident?
- 32 - Powers of access
- 32a - Meaning of ‘Alarm of Fire’
- 32b - Action on ‘Alarm of Fire’
Describe four (4) roles of Hazmat Technician at a Hazmat Incident:
- Recognition and identification of the hazardous material
- Utilise basic information sources such as Initial Emergency Response Guide (IERG) and Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
- Establishment of appropriate control zones to secure contamination areas.
- Selection and use of appropriate levels of PPE/PPC
Define the term hazardous materials:
A substance or material in a quantity or form that pose an unreasonable risk to health, property or safety when stored, transported or used.
List four (4) examples of Dangerous Goods:
- Explosive
- Flammable
- Oxidising
- Corrosive
State five (5) items of information available through the Hazmat Action Guide (HAG - Sheet):
- Personal Protection Equipment
- Form
- Hazards
- Effects with water
- Action
What five (5) items of information does the HAZCHEM Emergency Action Code provided for fire or spillage:
- Extinguishing agent and how to use it
- Protective equipment required
- Violent reaction
- Do we need to dilute or contain the spill
- Public safety hazard/information
List the six (6) items of information displayed on an Emergency Information Panel as used in bulk transport:
- Chemical name
- UN number
- Hazard Identification number/HAZCHEM code
- The dangerous goods class
- Emergency contact numbers
- Contact number for specialist advise
Under the Dangerous Goods legislation, if warning notices are required, where must the Outer Warning Notice be displayed?
All entrances off a public road or rail
List four (4) support agencies that may be involved at a Hazmat incident and describe their roles and responsibilities:
- Ambulance Victoria - treatment and emergency medical care
- Victoria Police - traffic management and public safety
- Environmental Protection Authority - provide advise on any environmental issues that may arise.
- Worksafe - ensuring that any incidents weren’t caused by unsafe work procedures.
Why is it essential that we follow correct procedures for donning and doffing protective clothing at a HAZMAT incident?
To avoid and limit exposure to hazardous materials
What does the acronym DANGER represent?
Do not enter smoke, gas or vapour clouds
Approach carefully from upwind and uphill
No closer than 70m from the affected area
Gather information by observation from a safe distance
Examine more closely, only if necessary and using SCBA/PPC
Respond accordingly to the information gathered.
List three (3) routes of entry for toxic substances:
- Ingestion/Inhalation
- Dermal
- Injection
List the nine (9) main hazard classifications as referred to in the Dangerous Goods Legislation and give an example of each:
- Class 1 - Explosives (Dynamite)
- Class 2 - Gases (LP Gas)
- Class 3 - Flammable Liquids (Petrol)
- Class 4 - Flammable Solids (Sulfur)
- Class 5 - Oxidising Substances (Ammonium Nitrate)
- Class 6 - Toxic and Infectious Substances (Sodium Cyanide)
- Class 7 - Radioactive Substances (Uranium)
- Class 8 - Corrosive Substances (Hydrochloric Acid)
- Class 9 - Miscellaneous Dangerous Goods (Dry Ice)
List three (3) characteristics of hydrogen sulfide (H2S):
- Flammable
- Corrosive
- Colourless
List three (3) aims of decontamination:
- Confine the contaminant within the Hot Zone
- Remove the decontamination within the decontamination corridor to ensure the safety and health of response personnel and general public
- Remove contaminants from equipment
Identify the five (5) step approach to a Hazmat incident:
- Initial considerations
- Cold Zone Reconnaissance
- Hot Zone Reconnaissance
- Mitigation
- Hand over
Discuss the roles and responsibilities within the Technical Decontamination corridor for Div A:
Receiving Officer:
Initial phase of decontamination where exiting personnel are made comfortable and staggered through decontamination
Decontamination Operators:
Where contaminants are removed from personnel and equipment that have entered the Hot Zone
Inspection Officer:
Establishes whether ‘decontamination’ has been effective. Inspection Officer will either allow a person to pass or they will need to repeat the process.
Clean Area:
PPC is removed, bagged and tagged. Personnel redressed and proceed through to cold zone.
Cold Zone:
Personnel are rehabilitated, rested and either cooled or warmed according to conditions.
Discuss the roles and responsibilities within the Technical Decontamination corridor for Div B:
Decontamination Officer:
Reports to IC and briefs decontamination team. Selects site, type and method of decontamination. Manage site safety, decontamination effectiveness and documents.
BA Control Officer:
Maintain BA control board for operators and decontamination team. Maintain adequate supply of BA cylinders. Oversee the operation of airline equipment.
Rehabilitation Officer:
Manage rehabilitation (hydration and clothing) of decontaminated personnel. Return tally tags to BA control. Issue wrist tags.
Exit Officer:
Assist operators to exit from Warm inspecting area into the Cold Zone. Assist Exit Officer with bagging decontaminated equipment. Seal and tag bags.
Inspecting Officer:
Inspect decontamination of operators and ensure its adequacy. Assist in disrobing if operators and cleaners and bag PPE. Undergo decontamination once all personnel have been withdrawn.
Manage operators air and airlines. Carry out directed decontamination method. Decontaminate operators, equipment and themselves.