Communication Systems Flashcards
List the two modes of operation used in radio-to-radio communications:
- Trunked Mode of Operations (TMO)
Commonly referred to as the fireground channel - Direct Mode of Operations (DMO)
Commonly referred to as the local channel
What are the call signs for the following agencies:
List four (4) types of electrical/electronic communications equipment used within the Fire Service:
- Radio
- Mobile Phones
- Fax
Phonetic alphabet:
A - Alpha B - Bravo C - Charlie D - Delta E - Echo F - Foxtrot G - Golf H - Hotel I - India J - Juliet K- Kilo L - Lima M - Mike N - November O - Oscar P - Papa Q - Quebec R - Romeo S - Sierra T - Tango U - Uniform V - Victor W - Whisky X - X Ray Y - Yankee Z - Zulu
List and define four (4) Fire Service pro-words (page 15.):
- Sitrep - Situation report on the incident
- Affirmative - Yes or correct
- Negative - No, or this is incorrect
- Send - I am ready to receive your transmission
Define the following message terms:
A precise definition of the status of the fire or incident
A situation report, which gives a more detailed description of the fire or incident
These allow opportunities for additional requests, or to provide further information
List the five (5) elements required to be included in a wordback:
- Name the officer initiating the wordback (Who)
- The situation, as determined by the OIC (What)
- The status of the emergency (What)
- Address of the fire/incident (Where)
- Optional brief description of the event (Wearing) eg.”BA stage 1 is in operation”
List the priority call sign for FRV:
Red, Red, Red (imminent danger)
ESTA operator must stop all other transmissions
Can be used:
-With duress alarm
-times of extreme radio congestion
-Alert ESTA operators those on fireground are in danger
-send urgent message
Define the acronym ‘SMEACS’:
S - Situation - the current and predicted situation
M - Mission - incident or activity objective
E - Execution - how the mission will be accomplished
A - Administration and Logistics - recording requirements, logistical arrangements
C - Command and Communications - command structure, communication plan
S - Safety - hazards (known and potential), precautions to be taken
Radio procedure at a structure fire should follow normal communication procedure
List the six (6) messages/calls to the communications centre:
- When leaving the station
- Advising of arrival on scene
- Giving initial sitrep/ wordback
- Advising when key objective have been achieved
- When departing the fire scene
- Arrival back station
Label the MMR portable radio (diagram pg. 35)
- Scan ON/OFF
- Power On/Off & Volume
- Display Light
- Nuisance Channel Delete
- Unprogrammed
- Push To Talk (PTT)
- Home Button
- Key Pad
- 4-Way Navigation Pad
- Menu Buttons
- Display Panel
- Microphone
- Speaker
- Radio Zone Select (Toggle switch)
- Duress Button
- Channel (16 positions) Select Knob
What issues should be reported to your officer in regards to portable and mobile radios?
- Faulty radios (mobile or portable)
- Faulty accessories or batteries
- Missing or lost radio (i.e remote speaker microphone)
- Radio coverage issues or problems (ie. black spots)
What are the three (3) different radio frequencies available for agency use:
- High Frequency (HF) - mainly obsolete in fire services
- Very High Frequency (VHF) - for longer distances
- Ultra High Frequency (UHF) - urban environments
What are the three (3) types of radios used by emergency services
- Base Radio (Firecomm)
- Mobile Radio (in appliances)
- Portable Radio (hand held)
In terms of radio communication, what is a Message?
A message is the most common radio transmission. Normally contained to the fireground channel and not repeated back to ESTA.
Describe and list the six (6) key information points of a Situation Report (Sitrep)
Incident Controller relaying information back to ESTA. Paints a picture.
• Name of initiating officer
• Stage of fire
• Size of structure/ fire
• Amount of damage
• What is happening at that moment?
• Details relating to injuries, crew movements, progress of firefighting