hass dates revision Flashcards
start of ww2
1 sep 1919
6 aug 1945
9 aug 1915
japans surrender
sep 2 1945
germanys surrnder
may 7 1945
Para 1 topic
america could have taken japan without dropping the bombs
para 2 topic
the aftermath of the bombs(hirosima and nagsaki) were too catspohic to be justfied
inverse para 3
the war would have taken more deaths if the bombs weren not dropeed
evindnce para 1
-battle of midway battle of coral sea
-opration downfall(opration oympic,opration coronet)
evindence for para 2
hibukashu stigma and PTSD
-currant affects/increased cnacer
-90 percent of bulding destoyed or heavly damges
-radtion sickness
-200,000 deaths from the bombs
evidnce for para 3
-citzen training
-opration ketsugo
-no surrender policy
templeate for paras
Topic- what you what to prove in para
Context-how to maek your arument maek sense to somone who has no idea
evidnece-examples that pove your stament
concluding sentace-link back to the propsition
essay template
body para 1
body para 2
body para 3 inverse