Harris.Tort Flashcards
Would Canadian tort reform be provincial OR federal?
Provincial: (needs to be coordinated with the various Attorneys General)
Briefly explain the position of insurance industry on tort reforms.
Insurance industry WANTS REFORM:
- lowers COSTS
- increases STABILITY & PREDICTABILITY of awards
Briefly explain the position of the Supreme Court on tort reforms.
Supreme Court will continue to be plaintiff-friendly
UNLESS insurance industry gets reform enacted
Briefly explain the position of trial lawyers on tort reforms.
Don’t want reform (compensation for both plaintiffs and lawyers could be lower)
Identify 4 potential reforms to Canada’s plaintiff-friendly tort system.
Hint: JCCV
oint & several liability (eliminate & replace with proportional liability) -
ollateral source rule (eliminate) -
ompensation basis (change from gross to net) -
icarious liability (eliminate)
Define J&S (Joint & Several) liability.
Plaintiff may recover ANY or ALL damages from ANY or ALL defendants regardless of share of liability.
Describe the proposed reform for J&S liability
LIMINATE J&S: for non-pecuniary damagesR
EPLACE J&S: with rule of proportional liabilityF
UND creation: for guilty parties that can’t pay
Describe proportionate liability
Each defendant bears a cost proportionate to their degree of fault or liability.
Define the collateral source rule.
- evidence of plaintiff’s collateral source need not be entered AT TRIAL
(examples include sick pay & disability) - so there is potential for over-compensation
Describe the proposed reform for the collateral source rule
Eliminate & allow collateral sources to be taken into account when determining award.
Define compensatory basis
in the context of income replacement.
Compensatory basis:
- refers to basis for compensating loss of income
- the basis can be either prior net income OR prior gross income
- income replacement is a percentage of this basis
- current practice uses a percentage of gross income
- gross basis ignores taxes & work-related expenses that aren’t incurred when not working
- so there is potential for over-compensation
Describe the proposed reform to compensatory basis
in the context of income replacement.
Switch from gross to net basis.
Define vicarious liability
- where one party is held responsible for actions of another
- EXAMPLES: employee, subordinate, sublease, car rental, sexual abuse
Describe the proposed reform to vicarious liability
Identify an advantage & disadvantage of Joint & several liability
advantage: discourages search for deep pockets
disadvantage: increased cost of determining proportionate liability
Identify an advantage & disadvantage of collateral source rule reform
advantage: reduces likelihood of over-compensation
disadvantage: the guilty party shouldn’t be relieved (by any collateral sources) of providing full compensation
Identify an advantage & disadvantage of compensation basis reform
advantage: reduces likelihood of over-compensation
disadvantage: interferes with an intentional government tax break for plaintiff (using gross or pre-tax income as the basis for income replacement amounts to a tax break, and this tax break is sometimes intentional)
Identify an advantage & disadvantage of vicarious liability reform
advantage: discourages search for deep pockets
disadvantage: all involved parties should be held responsible regardless of level of liability
Briefly explain the deep pocket syndrome.
A situation where the plaintiff always looks for the defendant with the greatest ability to pay.
Briefly explain how ‘joint & several liability’ increase efficiency.
Reduces time & costs: promotes pre-trial settlement since damages don’t have to be apportioned
Briefly describe and advantage & disadvantage of J&S liability reform for the defendant
advantage: can share burden
disadvantage: may have to pay a greater proportion THAN the degree of liability
Briefly describe and advantage or disadvantage of J&S liability reform for the plaintiff
advantage: increases probability of full compensation WITH access to assets of all defendants
disadvantage: none
Briefly explain how Canadian tort laws are too plaintiff-friendly (3 reasons).
Gross income wage replacement
: Income replacement is based on gross income and
doesn’t consider expenses related to holding a job which result in overcompensation
for the plaintiff -
Vicarious liability
: Some party may be held responsible for actions of their
subordinate/employees/sublease which make the search for deep pocket possible -
Collateral source:
There is no need to disclose other source of compensation which
may result in double recovery and overcompensation for the plaintiff
Disadvantage of simple elimination J&S liability
- if a defendant goes bankrupt then there is no recourse to assets of other defendants
- plaintiff may not be fully compensated
Identify a remedy to disadvantage of simple elimination of J&S.
Creation of a fund for guilty parties that can’t pay their share