CCIR. Instructions Flashcards
What is the fundamental accounting equation for equity?
Assets = Liabilities + Equity
What is the 2nd method to calculate equity (from prior year)?
Eq(x) = Eq(x-1) + CI(x)
CI = Comprehensive Income = NI + OCI - Paid dividends (if any)
What is the 3rd method to get equity (from balance sheet items)?
E(x) = PHE(x) + SHE(x) + nci(x)
PHE(x) = Policyholder’s equity for year x
SHE(x) = Shareholder’s equity for year x
nci(x) = non-controlling interests for year x
Identify the 7 components of Shareholder’s equity? (Hint: CP-CORNA)
- Common Shares
- Preferred Shares
- Contributed Surplus
- Other Capital
- Retained Earnings
- Nuclear Reserves
Identify the 5 components of Policyholder’s equity.
- Residual Interest (Non-Stock)
- Participating Account
- Participating Account - Accumulated OCI (Loss)
- Non-Participating Account
- Non-Participating Account - Accumulated OCI (Loss)
Define unrealized gain.
An increase in the value of an asset or investment that an investor has not sold.
They are included in AOCI (line 570 from 20.11)
How do you calculate the Net Combined Operating Ratio? (NCOR)
NLR + Operating Expenses / EP
How do you calculate the Net Loss Ratio (NLR)?
APV(incurred claims) / EP
APV(inc claims) = paid loss in period + chg(APV of unpaid claims)
EP = WP - chg(UEP)
Calculate Net Income (NI)
NI = ISR + NIR + OIE - Taxes + Discontinued Operations
ISR = Insurance Service Result
NIR = Net Investment Result
OIE = Other Income & Expenses
Calculate Insurance Service Result (ISR)
TIR = Total Insurance Revenue
ISE = Insurance Service Expenses
NRE = Net Expenses from Reinsurance Contracts Held
Note: if ISE is already negative, then add it instead of subtracting
Calculate Total Insurance Revenue (TIR)
TIR = sum of:
Revenues from PAA Contracts
Revenues from GMM Contracts
Revenues from VFA Contracts
Calculate Net Investment Income (NII)
(Hint: TT-DI-ET)
+ Total Realized Gains (Losses) on Sale
+ Total Fair Value Gains (Losses)
+ Dividends
+ Gross Investment Income
- Investment Expenses
- Investment Taxes
Calculate Investment Return (IR)
IR = NII - Provision for Credit Losses
Calculate Total Realized Gains (Losses) on Sale or Total Fair Value Gains (Losses)
(Hint: BIMPI)
Sum of:
Mortgage Loans
Preferred & Common Shares
Investment Properties
Income from Derivative Assets
Note: they have to tell whether items pertained to the realized gains or the fair value gains.
Calculate Adjusted Equity
Adjusted Equity = E(x) - NCI - Cat Reserves - Unregistered Reins
E = Total Equity from page 20.11
NCI = Non-controlling interests
Cat Reserves : Cat Reserves marging
Unregistered Reins marging
Calculate Investment Yield
Investment Yield= 2(NIR + PI)100 / (Vb + Ve - NIR - PI)
NIR = Net Investment Return
PI = Share of Net Income (Loss) of Equity Accounted Investees
Vb & Ve : total assets including cash , x and x-1
Calculate Return on Equity
ROE = (2 * NI * 100) / (Eb + Ee)
NI = Net Income
Eb = E(x-1)
Ee = E(x)
Calculate Agents and Brokers Balances Due from Subs and Associates as a % of Adjusted Equity
(Receivables-unaffiliated agents and brokers + Receivables-subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures) / Adjusted Equity
Claims Development as a % of Adjusted Equity
Amount excess (deficiency) / Adjusted Equity
Calculate the Amount of Excess (Deficiency)
Excess/Deficency = estimate of ult CY_X-1 – estimate ult CY_X
Excess/Deficency = unpaid CY_X-1 – unpaid CY_X – paid CY_X