Hand in Review Flashcards
Three reasons why the 1920s were called the Roaring Twenties?
- Many people defied prohibition
- Indulged in new styles of dancing, dress, and music.
- There was a prosperous economic boom
- Young women acted in a more outward fashion than before. Said what they wanted to say, did what they wanted to do.
Three examples of technology that skyrocketed into production in the 1920s.
- Henry Ford’s Model T
- The radio
- Tourism
- Airplanes
Three causes of the Great Depression.
- War debts and reparations owed from the First World WAr.
- Canada’s economy depended heavily on exports and no one was buying our goods.
- Canada overproduced goods and no one was buying them because theyhad stock piled goods and could no longer afford to buy products which led to unemployement.
Three results of the Depression.
- Decrease in marriages because of economic stress and lack of birth control.
- There was no unemployement insurance
- Lack of jobs for unskilled workers.
- Immigrants were sent back
- Birth rates fell
- Young people developed bad habits
- Rapid rise in crime rate.
Two reasons why prairie crops failed in the 1930s?
- Drought, nothing could grow.
2. Farmers overused the land because they didn’t know about crop rotations and farms were small.
Two agricultural technologies that changed in order to protect crops
- crop rotations so that fields wouldn’t get over used.
2. Pesticides to get ride of pests such as grasshoppers.
Explain what the TPP is.
The TPP is an international free trade partnership between 12 pacific rim countries: Canada, USA, Chile, Mexico, Peru, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, VIetnam, Brunei, Australia, and New Zealand. The deal removes tariffs on goods traded between these countries. Free trade will encourage competition and reduce prices for sonsumers as well as open up new markets for business The TPP is the largest gree trade deal in history. It will give Canadians businesses access to 800 million new potential customers.
A share you buy in a company that increases in value over time.
Locking money into a government or business sponsored program that earns you money at a set interest rate twice a year.
Mixed Economy?
Government and enterprises share responsibilities
Market Economy?
Buisnesses have control and can do whatever they want.
Command Economy?
Government makes all business decisions.
A theory of social organization based on the holding of all property in common. Actual ownership being given to the community as a whole or the state.
Unemployement or welfare benefit.
A tax on goods entering or leaving a country.
Make an agreement official by signing or voting on it.
When a company exports more than it imports.
Human Development Index.
Statistic of life expectancy, education, and per capita indicators which are used to rank countries into four tiers of human development.
Free Trade?
International trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.