Hamster Viruses Flashcards
What is HaPV?
Hamster Parvovirus
What is another name for Hamster parvovirus or HaPV?
Rodent Protoparvovirus-1 (RPV-1)
What age does HaPV typically affect?
suckling to weanling hamsters (up to 4 weeks)
Clinical signs of HaPV
- Usually subclinical
- High mortality in some cases
- Ataxia
- Diarrhea
- Runting and wasting
You see a hamster pup with enamel hypoplasia, what is one of your top differentials?
Hamster parvovirus
Gross findings of Hamster Parvovirus
- domed calvaria
- potbellied appearance
- marked discoloration, malformation, and absence of the incisor teeth
- hemorrhage in cerebrum and cerebellum
- thrombosis and transmural hemorrhage in small intestine leading to diarrhea
Histopathological findings of hamster parvovirus
- enamel hypoplasia of the incisor teeth, periodontitis, hemorrhage in the dental pulp
- multifocal cerebral malacia
- testicular hypoplasia w/ necrosis and mineralization of seminiferous tubules
- intranuclear inclusions in the endothelium
1. transmission
2. diagnosis
3. treatment and prevention
4. research significance
- likely inhalation or ingestion of viral particles
- quarantine / disinfection and depopulation / prevent infection by monitoring biologicals
- persistent infections
T/F HaPV is not related to mouse and rat parvoviruses
False; it is closely related; likely derived from mouse parvovirus 3
T/F Hamsters are susceptible to paroviruses from rats and mice
What lesions can form in hamsters with infections from other parvoviruses
- tooth loss and discoloration, facial bone deformities, diarrhea, ataxia, and stunted growth
- intestinal hemorrhage, petechial hemorrhages, pale spleen or liver, testicular hypoplasia, and cerebellar hypoplasia
What is another name for Hamster polyoma virus (HaPyV)
transmissible lymphoma
- What is the natural host of HaPyV?
- Which species is highly susceptible to HaPyV-induced tumors?
- European hamsters
- Syrian hamstesr
Review HaPyV in the European hamster
- they are the natural host
- they typical have a subclinical infection in spleen and kidneys
- persistently shed virus in urine
Review HaPyV in the Syrian Hamster
- High susceptible to HaPyV-induced tumors (initially lymphoma, then trichoepithelioma once infection is enzootic)
- lymphoma and trichoepithelioma are very rare otherwise, so assume HaPyV-associated when ID’ed