HAM: Practical Management Flashcards
What is a consumable?
Asset that is consumed (not retired or returned) and ordered/managed in bulk.
What is a stockroom?
Identify locations in which inventory items are stocked and tracked.
What is a transfer order?
Moves assets between company stockrooms.
What is an import?
Loading of data via spreadsheets, can be done manually or automatically.
What is an asset state?
The state of the asset during its lifecycle from received through disposition.
What is a contract?
Details associated with warranties, maintenance agreements, and leases.
What is the goal of Practical Management?
The goal is to improve management controls and drive immediate results. The primary objective is to drive out “quick wins” and making them visible.
What sends notifications or automatically transfer assets when a low quantity threshold in a stockroom is detected?
Stock rules
What happens to the assets when a transfer order is deleted?
The assets are released.
Deletion of a transfer order is only available until the order is flagged as _______________.
Ready for fulfillment
What prevents asset managers from transferring the same asset at the same time?
A business rule
What role is needed to perform bulk transfer updates?
What does the Bulk Update feature enables you to do?
The Bulk Update feature enables you to update tasks for multiple transfer order lines at one time to streamline the transfer order process (i.e., prepare, ship, and receive multiple assets in a single transfer order action to minimize potential for errors and streamline work).
What enables you to automate and create asset records while your assets are in transit from the vendor?
Advanced Shipment Notification (ASN)
What role is needed to import shipping notifications?