Haemophilus / bortadella (6) Flashcards
What is the host for haemophilus?
humans only
What factors does Haemophilus need in order to grow in culture?
factor x and V
What is the transmission of haemophilus?
respiratory droplets
What is the bacteriology of haemophilus
gram negative and is PLEOMORPHIC
may appear as cocci rods or mixture - dont jump to conclusions and say there are multiple organisms
Which form of H flu is most pathogenic?
encapsulated specifically HiB
Which form of H flu is there a vaccine available for? What is the vaccine made against?
vaccine is against PRP
What is the usual course of infection with encapsulated H flu in unvaccinated people?
bacteremia follows upper resp infection and can cause:
- meningitis
- cellulitis
- epiglotitis - classic
- septic arthritis
Unencapsulated H flu lack a capsule, but have what virulence factors? Does encapsulated have these too?
IgA protease, pilli, adhesions
yes encapsulated has these too
After an untreated local mucosal infection with a supposedly benign unencapsulated H flu, what are the immunocompromised at risk for ?
many systemic complications, specifically:
neonatal and postpartum sepsis
CF pneumonia
What is the bacteriology of B pertussis
short gram negative rod
What type of vaccine is used in US for B pertussis? what is the downside to this?
need boosters every 10 years
Which vaccine lasts longer - acellular or killed cell
killed cell which is only used abroad
Describe the pathogenesis of pertussis
filamentous hemagglutinin attaches
pertussis endotoxin causes ciliary stasis
Does bacteremia usually occur with pertuss?
nope prognosis is usually good
How long does the whooping cough usually last
3 months even with drug treatment
What is a profound lab result that occurs with pertussis?
Is pertussis or H flu normal flora?
Unencapsualted H flu may be normal flora
If you’re going to visit a little baby in the hospital what vaccine should you absolutely get a booster for or else you a murderer baby killa