Haematopoictic system Flashcards
What are erythrocytes
Red blood cells
What makes up the majority of the blood
Plasma which is made up of 90% water, 7% plasma proteins and electrolytes and hormones
What makes up the rest of the blood with plasma
Red blood cells (erythrocyte)
What are leukocytes
White blood cells
What are platelets
Cells made in the blood marrow that cause blood clots
What is the function of erythrocytes
To transport gasses around the body, and produce more red blood cells
What is an hypotonic
The water potential of the solution is higher than the cell and so water moves into the cell causing it to expand
What is a hypertonic solution
When the water potential of a solution is lower than the cell and so water moves out causing the cell to shrivel
What are reticulocytes
Less mature blood cells
How long do erythrocytes circulate for
120 days
How long do reticulocytes circulate for
2 day
What are the two types of leukocytes
Granulocytes and agranulocytes
What is a Granulocyte
A type of white blood cell that produces bacteria fighting granules
What are the three types of granulocytes
Basophils, neutrophils and eosinophils
What is a neutrophil and what’s their function
The most abundant type of granulocytes. They kill bacteria via phagocytosis. They have a multi-lobed nucleus and they last 1-4 days in the blood
What is an eosinophils
A type of granulocyte that kills worms. They have a bilobed nucleus and in their cytoplasm have a core of proteins
What is a basophil
Another type of granulocyte however is smaller than eosinophils and neutrophils. They have 2-3 nuclear lobes
How long do neutrophils last in the body for.
1-4 days with a half life of 6-8 hours in the blood
How long do eosinophils last for in the blood.
8 hours
How large are neutrophils and eosinophils
12-15 um
How big are basophils
What are agranulocytes
A type of leukocyte that do not contain granules
What’s a monocyte
A type of agranulocyte. It contains one oval nucleus and a pale cytoplasm. It lasts 5-8
What is a lymphocyte
A type of agranulocyte that contains a large rounded nucleus surrounded by a thin cytoplasm.
What is a thrombocyte
A platelet
What is the function of a thrombocyte
The stop bleeding by clotting (hemostasis) and they’re made in the bone marrow (megakaryocytes).
What are megakaryocytes
A type of cell in the bone marrow that produce thrombocytes.
What is hematopoiesis
Production of new red blood cells
What is a hemopoietic tissue
A tissue that produces erythrocytes
What are 2 examples of hemopoietic tissue
Myeloid tissue (in bone marrow) and lymphoid tissue (in lymph system)
What are the stage of blood clots
Vasoconstriction (vessels narrow) followed by temporary clot then by coagulation
How do thrombocytes cause blood clots
Collagen activates platelets. This causes platelets to release platelet factors which attract more platelets causing them to combine to form a plug in the cut
What antibodies do type A blood cells have in the plasma
What antibodies do type B blood cells have in their antibodies
What antibodies do type AB blood cells have in their plasma
What antibodies do type O blood cells have in their body
Both AB