H lettered words Flashcards
An ancient pottery-making technique that involves creating forms without a pottery wheel, using the hands, fingers, and simple tools.
An illuminated manuscript containing the liturgy for the Seder service on the Jewish festival of Passover.
An Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca that is required as one of the five pillars of Islam.
Han Dynasty
(206 BCE - 220 CE) came after the Qing dynasty, considered to be one of the greatest periods in the history of China. Under the Han, China became a Confucian state.
A long narrow horizontal painting or text (or combination thereof) common in Japanese or Chinese art and of a size intended for individual use. A handscroll is stored wrapped tightly around a wooden pin and is unrolled for viewing or reading.
Harlem Renaissance
A particularly rich artistic period in the 1920s and 1930s that is named after the African-American neighborhood in New York City where it emerged. It is marked by a cultural resurgence by African Americans in the fields of painting, writing, music, and photography.
A period generally taken to begin with the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC and end with the conquest of the Greek world by the Romans.
A henge is a circular area enclosed by stones or wood posts set up by Neolithic peoples. It is usually bounded by a ditch or raised embankment.
Artwork formed from bark cloth by natives of Niue, south of Samoa.
Hierarchy of Scale
A system of representation that expresses a person’s importance by the size of his or her figure placed in a work of art.
Egyptian writing using symbols or pictures as characters.
Ancient Brahmanic Vedic religion that emerged as the dominant faith in India in the third century CE. It reflected rural and agrarian values and focused on the trinity of Brahma (birth), Vishnu (existence), and Shiva (destruction).
Japanese, “bridge of the law.” The third highest rank among Buddhist monks.
Horror Vacui
A type of artwork in which the entire surface is filled with objects, people, designs, and ornaments in a crowded and sometimes congested way.
Horseshoe Arch
Horseshoe arch: an arch of more than a halfcircle; typical of western Islamic architecture.
An Aztec god of the sun and war: sometimes represented as an eagle or as a hummingbird.
Hypostyle Hall
A large interior room characterized by many closely spaced columns that support its roof.