Gynecology Flashcards
Reproductive tracts develope from which two ducts
Wollfian (male) and Mullerian (female)
average adult uterine dimensions
8cm(length) x 3cm (AP) x 5cm(trans)
(Tips: 3+5=8)
measurements of endometrium based upon phases of the menstrual cycle
-Menses (1-4mm)
-Proliferative (6-10mm)/Eva’s notes 12-13mm
-Secretory (7-14mm)/ Eva’s notes 18-22mm
“Tip: 1+3=4 (Menses); 6+4=10 (Proliferative); 3+4=7+7=14 (secretory)
average adult ovarian length
3cm (length) x 2cm (AP) x 1cm (trans)
Hormone that triggers ovulation
LH surge
hormone which makes follicles in ovary grow
layers of the uterus
4 sections of the uterus
-isthmus (LUS more commonly used)
-cervix (external os, fornix, internal os)
where does fertilization normally take place
ampulla of fallopian tube
normal location of a fertilized ovum to implant
within the upper 2/3 of the uterus
sections of the fallopian tube
female reproductive muscles (4)
-Iliopsosa: from the iliac crest to the greater trochanter of the femur
-Obturator internus: parallel to the lateral walls of the pelvis
-piriformis: posterior pelvis
-levator ani: posterior pelvis
the two spaces with the FMS
-anterior cul de sac (vesico uterine space): is posterior to the bladder and anterior to the uterus
-posterior cul de sac (Pouch of Douglass): is posterior to the uterus and anterior to the rectum
ligaments of the FMS (6)
-broad Lig.
-round Lig.
-ovarian Lig.
-infundibulopelvic lig.
-cardinal lig.
-uterosacral lig.
Shadowing off of the fornices at the cervix is termed
Fu Man Chu