Gynaecology Flashcards
what are the risk factors for endometrial cancer?
1) nulliparity
2) more exposure to oestrogen (nulliparity, early menarche, late menopause, oestrogen only HRT)
3) metabolic syndrome- obesity, diabetes, PCOS
4) tamoxifen (used to treat breast ca. Blocks oestrogen receptor activity in breast, but acts like oestrogen in uterus. also increases risk of dvt)
what is the most common type of vulval cancer?
what are the risk factors for vulval cancer?
1) older age
2) smoking
3) HPV
4) VIN (vulval intraepithelial neoplasia)
5) immunosuppression
6) lichen sclerosus
does smoking increase the risk of endometrial cancer?
no, it decreases the risk because it can reduce oestrogen levels and induce endometrial apoptosis, and lead to earlier menopause
what is the investigation of choice for ectopic pregnancy?
1) Pregnancy test
2) Transvaginal USS
what are the criteria for being able to manage an ectopic pregnancy expectantly?
no foetal heartbeat
b-hCG <1000 IU/L
what are the criteria for being able to manage an ectopic pregnancy medically?
no significant pain
no foetal heartbeat
b-hCG <1500 IU/L
what are the criteria for managing an ectopic pregnancy surgically?
> 35mm
foetal heartbeat
b-hCG >5000IU/L
for ectopic pregnancy, when would you do salpingectomy vs salpingotomy if surgical intervention indicated?
1) salpingectomy is first line
2) salpingotomy if risk factors for infertility e.g. contralateral tube is damaged
how is menopause diagnosed?
usually a clinical diagnosis when a lady had not had a period for 12 months
what are contraindications for HRT?
1) current or past breast cancer
2) any oestrogen-sensitive cancer (endometrial, ovarian)
3) undiagnosed vaginal bleeding
4) untreated endometrial hyperplasia
how long do menopause symptoms typically last?
2-5 years
what risks are associated with HRT?
coronary heart disease
breast cancer
ovarian cancer
does transdermal HRT increase risk of VTE?
no because the oestrogen is absorbed through the skin therefore bypasses the liver = no increase in production of clotting factors in the liver
what are the potential complications of HRT?
1) side effects
- nausea, breast tenderness, weight gain
2) risks
- breast cancer (increases with duration of use, risk declines after stopping and returns to baseline 5 years after stopping)
- endometrial cancer (always give progesterone in addition to oestrogen in women with a womb to reduce risk- note doesn’t eradicate risk entirely)
- VTE (although transdermal doesn’t increase risk of VTE, should refer to haem if woman has high risk of clotting)
- stroke
- IHD if taken more than 10 years after menopause
what are risk factors for ovarian cancer?
1) more ovulations (early menarche, late menopause, nulliparity
2) family history
3) mutations in BRCA1/BRCA2
what is the tumour marker for ovarian cancer?
what are BRCA 1 and 2?
1) tumour suppressor genes
2) mutation can cause increased risk of cancers, particularly breast and ovarian
what is the most common type of cervical cancer?
what are risk factors for cervical cancer?
1) HPV (16, 18, 33 in particular)
2) smoking
3) HIV
4) smoking
5) early first intercourse, many sexual partners
6) high parity
7) lower socioeconomic status
how does HPV cause cervical cancer?
HPV 16 & 18 produce oncogenes E5, E6, and E7