Guiding Seminar 1B (2020) Flashcards
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
What is the Law of One Price?
If there are no transaction costs or other constraints, identical goods must have identical prices.
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
What usually happens in financial markets if Law of One Price does not hold?
If the Law of One Price does not hold and two identical securities are traded at different prices, an arbitrageur will exploit an arbitrage opportunity - making riskless profit by trading the mispriced assets).
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
What are the types of financial assets that violate the law of one price?
- Closed-End Country Funds
- American Depositary Receipts
- Twin Shares
- Dual Class Shares
- Corporate Spinoffs
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
How do Closed-End Country Funds violate the law of one price?
Introduction for dummies:
Similarly to an ETF, a Closed-End Fund trades like simple company stock. However, a closed-end fund is different from an open-end fund in a way that after its shares are publicly offered to potential investors, the fund’s manager issues NO additional shares. If you want to get a Closed Fund share, you can only buy it from other people who want to sell their share of the particular Closed-Fund.
How does a closed-end fund violate the law of one price?
While an open-end fund’s share price is based on its net asset value (NAV), a closed-end fund’s share price works just like a usual stock price which fluctuates according to its supply and demand. So, although a closed-fund share price should also be based on its NAV, the changes in investor demand can lead to a closed-end fund trading at a premium or a discount to its NAV. Even though moderate discounts/premia can be justified by management fees, expenses, superior stock-picking skills, the share price of average should equal its NAV (Law of One Price).
What happened in real life?
Taiwan country fund (shortly after its launch in the U.S. in 1987, it traded at a 205% premium - nothing can sufficiently explain the mispricing - why pay $1 for $0.33 of assets?)
German country fund - had traded at 100% premium after the Berlin Wall fell
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
How do American Depository Receipts violate the law of one price?
Introduction for dummies:
American Depositary Receipts are a convenient and popular way for investors to buy stocks of companies based outside the U.S. ADRs exist because many foreign companies do not want to bother with the expense and hassle of directly listing their shares on U.S. stock exchanges.
How it works:
- A broker will buy shares of foreign companies trading on their home exchanges.
- The broker will deliver these shares to a holding bank where the shares will stay.
- Another type of bank - a depositary bank - will issue shares called “Receipts” (aka ADRs) on basis of those shares held by the holding bank. Those receipts can then be traded on a U.S. exchange just like any other share. The share price, as well as dividends are collected in US dollars.
What happened:
An ADR of an Indian company “Infosys” was trading at a 136% premium relative to Infosys’ Bombay-listed shares, violating the law of one price. However, the LOOP was not violated THAT much as article says that investors who saw this could not use the arbitrage opportunity to the fullest because US investors could not trade Indian shares. Moreover, the ADR premium was extremely volatile and most likely could not hold on for long.
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
How do Twin Shares violate the law of one price?
Introduction for dummies:
An example provided in the article is about Royal Dutch/Shell twin shares. Royal Dutch & Shell are a dual-listed company - it is a corporate structure in which two corporations function as a single operating business, but retain separate legal identities and stock exchange listings. The shares of dual-listed companies represent exactly the same underlying cash flows - therefore, at efficient financial markets, stock prices of the companies should move similarly. But, in real life, they don’t - and investors are trying to exploit the mispricing by setting up arbitrage positions in such circumstances. These arbitrage strategies involve a long position in the relatively underpriced part of the dual-listed company and a short position in the relatively overpriced part.
What happened:
Royal Dutch shares (traded in Amsterdam, S&P500 member) receive 60% of the company’s profits, while Shell shares (traded in London) get the remaining 40%; BUT the ratio of the share prices was significantly deviating from 1.5 (40*1.5=60 or that’s how much “higher” the Royal Dutch shares were allowed to be according to Law of One Price).
An explanation on why these Twin Shares supposedly did not fit LOOP:
Different index membership can result in twin shares being mispriced. When Royal Dutch was excluded from the S&P 500 index, the premium quickly fell to 0, restoring the hypothetical 1.5. ratio of share prices
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
How do Dual Class Shares violate the law of one price?
What are dual-class shares? Two classes of shares for the same company, but with different voting rights (e.g. Class A gets 1 voting right per share, Class B gets 10). The two are supposed to trade at about the same price unless when there is some battle for corporate control.
What happened?
For a company “Molex”, before 1999, the premium on shares with bigger voting rights fluctuated between 0% and 10%; but, after the shares were added to the S&P 500, the premium rose to 49%. The Law of One Price does not hold and it is hard to see why voting rights would become more valuable because the firm was included in the S&P 500.
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
How do Corporate Spinoffs violate the law of one price?
Introduction for dummies:
A corporate spinoff is a type of corporate action where a company “splits off” a specific division as a separate business
What happened?
- 3Com (parent company) was planning a spin-off of its Palm division.
- It was announced that issuance of 1.5 Palm’s shares for each share of 3Com would happen in half a year.
- In March, 2000, 5% of Palm’s shares were made public.
- By the end of the day, Palm’s market value went to 54 billion, according to shares.
- However, 3Coms market value was at 28 million.
- As only 5% of Palm were made public, theoretically, 95% of Palm still stood under 3Com, and 95%*54=around 50 million
- Therefore, 3Coms implied market value without the Palm subsidiary was 28-50=negative 22 billion, even though the company had about $10 per share in cash.
- So, an implied arbitrage opportunity appears (LOOP is violated)
- Buy cheap - a share of the extremely undervalued 3Com stock and short 1.5 of overvalued Palm’s shares.
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
What prevents the arbitrageurs from enforcing the Law of One Price?
Violations of the Law generally create good but risky bets, not arbitrage opportunities (certain risk-less profits).
Risks for arbitrageurs:
- Short selling constraints, such as limited lendable supply of shares (only 5% of Palm’s shares were public and of those, only the 1% was held by institutional investors who engage in block trades, which is an order to buy or sell 10,000 or more shares at a time); legal barriers that prevent access to trading in foreign markets (Infosys in Bombai) or transaction costs.
- Noise trader risk: after taking the position in such cases, the volatility of the stock usually is high, causing the net wealth of the arbitrageur to decline and can even lead possible bankruptcy before the prices/spreads converge in the desired direction (the case of Long Term Capital Management - a multi-billion hedge fund which had bets on the convergence of bond spreads (not necessary to know what is this in the context, relax) in the long term - and the spreads diverged instead of converting, and LTCM entered financial distress before proving that the bonds willl “converge in the long term”.
“Forensic Finance” (Ritter, J. R. (2008))
What are the criminal practices in the financial markets that are talked about in this article?
- Late Trading of Mutual Funds
- Employee Stock Option Backdating
- Spinnings of IPOs
- Rewriting the History of Market Recommendations
“Forensic Finance” (Ritter, J. R. (2008))
How does Late Trading of Mutual Funds violate the law?
How it should be:
- U.S.-based mutual funds calculate their Net Asset Value (which determines changes in stock market prices) once per day when stock exchanges close at 4 p.m.
- Orders received after 4 p.m. should be priced at the closing net asset value on the FOLLOWING trading day.
What happened:
In 2003, several mutual funds permitted certain hedge funds to trade after 4 p.m. at the 4 p.m. closing prices—while at the same time telling investors that such late
trading was not permitted. Many companies wait until shortly after U.S. stock exchanges close at 4 p.m. to make major announcements. These announcements frequently move the aggregate market. Trading in stocks or mutual funds after these announcements at prices that existed before the announcements can be quite profitable because it takes advantage of a stale price (a price that doesn’t fully reflect current information). In some cases, a hedge fund agreed to place money in a mutual fund that had high fees in return for being permitted to engage in late trading in other large mutual funds run by the same fund family. Lawsuit happened.
“Forensic Finance” (Ritter, J. R. (2008))
How does Backdating of Employee Options violate the law?
What happened?
Companies were choosing an option grant date after observing on what date of a month the stock had its lowest price.
When Apple share price was high ($106.56), the company announced that on January 12 ($87.19), a week earlier, it had granted options to Steve Jobs.
However, January 12 close was the lowest closing price in the previous 2 months.
Seven years later, Apple admitted that the dates of many
options grants had been chosen after the prices have already grown, and that documents showing that the board of directors had approved the grants on the dates chosen had in some cases been fabricated.
“Forensic Finance” (Ritter, J. R. (2008))
Why do companies Backdate their Employee Options?
Reasons for backdating:
1) If managers receive cheap options, they receive an increased value directly if and when the options are exercised;
2) If employees expect to receive cheap options, they should be willing to accept lower direct wages because the options will give them high returns anyways. Lowering wages lowers reported employee compensation expense and boosts
reported profits;
3) When backdated options are exercised, the realized value of the options is deductible from taxable income, lowering the company’s tax bill and conserving corporate cash.
Offsetting this last effect, however, is the fact that the company receives less cash from a lower exercise price.
“Forensic Finance” (Ritter, J. R. (2008))
How does Spinning of IPOs violate the law?
IPO Spinning is a practice of an investment bank offering under-priced shares of a company’s initial public offerings to the senior executives of a third party company in exchange for future business with the investment bank.
Because of the underpriced shares, bookrunners make
greater profits on an initial public offering if the company being sold allows greater underpricing, as an
underpriced IPO leaves money on the table.
This conflict of interest was a relatively common way for investment banks to attract new clients in the past, but has since been prohibited.
“Forensic Finance” (Ritter, J. R. (2008))
How does Rewriting the History of Market
Recommendations violate the law?
There is a trend - when all stocks are rising, recommendations will be more bullish (i.e. optimistic) on average, and the other way around, so when things go south, there’s an incentive to discreetly rewrite the overly-optimistic forecasts to protect analyst’s reputation.
What happened?
Downloads from the I/B/E/S recommendation database obtained at different points in time were not identical, although all of the downloads referred to the same sample period.
Thomson Financial claimed that the changes in analyst recommendations were caused by a programming error during acquisitions. After changes had been
introduced to the platform, the quality of data was improved for the future.
“Anomalies: The Law of One Price in Financial
Markets” - (Lamont, O. A., Thaler, R. H. (2003))
What is a noise trader risk?
Introduction for dummies:
Noise Trader Risk is a form of investment risk associated with largely uninformed traders who trade on the noise in the market (for example, following click-baity news articles or just “doing what everybody does”) instead of rational thoughts. These traders are largely trend following, emotional, and undisciplined.
An informed trader has a model that suggests the value of XYZ shares is $10, but due to a piece of bad news in the media, the stock is now oversold by noise traders, with shares trading down to $8. The smart analyst believes that the negative news story should only move the expected value down to $9.90, but despite this, the noise traders dominate the market activity, at least in the short run.
Noise trader risk in terms of the article:
Even though an informed arbitrageur can calculate that the “price will go back to 10$” according to Law of One Price; in the short run, the noise traders dominate the market activity and, thus, there is a risk for the arbitrageur to go bankrupt before the long-term hopes get fulfilled.
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
What are the two pillars of asset pricing?
When we try to determine whether the price of an asset is correct, there are two possible sides on how to look at it:
- Efficient Market Hypothesis
- The existing models of Asset Pricing
The models of Asset Pricing are usually derived assuming Market Efficiency; AND you can prove Market Efficiency by using a model of Asset Pricing (a chain that should work both ways).
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
What is the Efficient Market Hypothesis?
EMH claims that asset prices reflect ALL available information (past and present, public and private).
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
What are the 3 possible forms of Market Efficiency?
3 forms of Market Efficiency:
- Weak Market Efficiency:
- -prices reflect only past information
- -prices reflect only publicly available past information - Semi-Strong:
- -prices reflect past AND present information
- -prices reflect only publicly-available information - Strong:
- -prices reflect past AND present information
- -prices reflect public AND private information
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
What is the Joint Hypothesis problem?
When you want to test for Market Efficiency, you have a goal of “determining whether the expected return of a certain asset (which is derived from a certain asset pricing model) is equal to the actual return of the asset.”
Joint Hypothesis problem:
If the expected return is not equal to the actual return (aka Market Efficiency rejected), it can mean that either:
- The Market is indeed Inefficient OR;
- The chosen Asset Pricing Model is bad.
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
What are the ways how to test Market Efficiency?
- With Event Studies;
- With Predictive Regressions;
- With Time-Varying Expected Stock Returns;
- With Bubbles
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
How to test Market Efficiency with Event Studies?
Fama has tested Market Efficiency by looking at an adjustment of stock prices to a specific company announcement (=an event, in this case, stock splits).
What is a stock split?
A stock split is an action in which a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares to boost the liquidity of the shares.
- The number of shares increases by a specific multiple (the most common split ratios are 2-for-1 or 3-for-1, which means that the stockholder will have two or three shares for every share held earlier), BUT;
- The price per share after the 3-for-1 stock split will be reduced by dividing the price by 3 (so, the real market value of the company does not change - no. of stocks multiply, but stock prices divide).
Continuing on Fama:
- In efficient markets, stock prices should adjust accurately to new (present) information.
- In his study about an announcement of a stock split, Fama finds that all stock split-related information is incorporated into prices months before the split, confirming market efficiency in short term periods.
- However, he says that in long term, expected returns are larger than the price of the effect of a studied event, thus, JHP becomes relevant again.
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
How to test Market Efficiency with Predictive Regressions?
Irving Fisher’s Market Efficiency Hypothesis claims: interest rates should contain expected real return plus the best possible forecast of the inflation rate.
And Fama finds out:
1) Bond and Real Estate prices incorporate the best possible forecast of inflation (nominal interest rate=real return+forecast of inflation).
Therefore, for bonds & real estate:
–we accept market efficiency proposition that bond and real estate prices incorporate the best possible forecasts of inflation;
–we accept a model of market equilibrium in which expected real returns vary independently of expected inflation.
2)Stock prices do NOT incorporate the best possible forecast of inflation (findings are the pure opposite - when expected stock returns are higher, expected inflation is low: nominal return»>real return+forecast of inflation)
A question appears - why did this equation not work for stocks? Two answers appear (JHP):
–either is it due to poor inflation forecasts (market inefficiency) OR;
–we chose a bad model of stock market equilibrium/asset
pricing model)
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
Can a Market be Efficient with Time-Varying
Expected Stock Returns?
Earlier: Efficient Market assumed expected stock returns to be constant over time.
Now: Both Risk & My Willingness to bear risk are not assumed to be constant over time. But can a Market be Efficient with Time-Varying Expected Stock Returns?
Fama thinks: YES
- -predictable (!!!) volatility in expected returns on stocks is rational (aka it is rational and predictable to change risk-willingness over lifetime);
- -therefore, even a market with variation in risk or people’s willingness to bear risk is an efficient market.
Behavioralists think: NO
–volatility in expected returns on stocks is due to investor irrationality (irrational price swings, herd behavior, etc.)
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
Can Bubbles be a part of an Efficient Market?
A bubble is defined as: “an irrational strong price increase that implies a predictable strong decline.”
Fama thinks: (maybe) YES
- -he denounces the “predictable strong decline” part of the definition with the argument that “there is no academic evidence that price declines are EVER predictable”.
- -he also denounces the “irrational price increase” part of the definition, saying that no, large swings (price increases, in this case) in prices are not irrational, but are rational responses to large swings in REAL economic activity. And, as per EMH definition (asset prices reflect ALL available information), if there are large price swings/trends in the real economy, efficient stock markets will reflect this available information and it will portray into stock prices.
- -why (maybe) YES? Fama is cautionary against the use of the “bubble” word at all without more careful definition and empirical validation.
Behaviorists think: NO
–“irrational price increase” is a part of human psychological behavior which constitutes that a market with bubbles cannot be efficient.
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
What are the types of Asset Pricing Models?
- Standard Equilibrium models:
- -work from theoretical assumptions
- -e.g. CAPM - Empirical models:
- -work backwards from observed patterns in average returns and try to explain them by proposing factors
- -e.g. Fama-French 3 or 4-factor model, APT
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
Does Fama think that CAPM is a good Asset Pricing model?
Fama thinks: NO
- -although the model was needed to lay the foundations of asset pricing theory;
- -it has been proven that only β (the only unique variable in the model) is not sufficient to explain expected returns
“Two Pillars of Asset Pricing” - (Fama, E. F. (2014))
Does Fama think that the 3-factor model is a good Asset Pricing model?
Fama thinks: YES and NO
- -3-factor model adjusts well on the anomalies for:
- —size*;
- —sales growth;
- —various price ratios
- -*(however, here is long-standing controversy about the effect of the size on average returns)
- -BUT the model doesn’t absorb other anomalies.
- -Fama claims that momentum should be added as an explanatory factor (which it later is, in 4-factor model)