GU Male Flashcards
-Irritative voiding sx
-Perineal or suprapubic pain
-exquisite tenderness on DRE
-Urinary retention
-Warm and tender prostate
Acute Bacterial Prostatitis
-Irritative voiding sx
-urethral pain
-obstructive urinary symptoms
-Low back pain
-Perineal or suprapubic discomfort
-often dull and poorly localized
-abnormal expressed prostatic secretions
-Hx of reoccurent UTIs
Chronic Bacterial Prostatis
-Irritative voiding symptoms
-painful enlargement of epididymis
-can be caused by STI
Prehn sign elevation improves pain
-inability to attain or maintain an erection
Erectile Dysfunction
-Obstructive or irritative voiding sx
-May have enlarged prostate on DRE
-Decreased force of stream
-Sensation of incomplete bladder emptying
-Double voiding
-Straining to urinate
-Post void dribbling
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy/Hyperplasia
-Excrutiating lower back pain
-Focal nodules or areas of induration on DRE
-Obstructive voiding symptoms
-Urinary retention
-Renal failure
-Metastatic bone pain
-Thromboembolic events
-Neurologic symptoms
-Pathologic fractures
Prostate Cancer
-Hx of trauma
-Tenderness to palpation
Scrotal Trauma
-Tense edema of scrotum
-Pain (out of proportion to physical exam)
Fournier’s Gangrene
-Asymptomatic mass
-Mild pain
-Mass is separate from testis
-Feels like “bag of worms”
-Size increases with valsalva
-generally left sided
-Gradually enlarging painless cystic mass
-Palpated as distinct from the testes
-Painless enlargement of the testis -Solid mass
-Sensations of heaviness
Testicular Cancer
-Acute onset
-constant unilateral pain
-unrelieved by elevation
-Negative cremasteric reflex
-High riding testis (Bell clapper)
-Profound tenderness and swelling
-Nausea and vomiting
-Usually left testicle
-Preceding trauma or vigorous physical activity
Testicular Torsion
-Immediate pain
-Deforming hematoma
-“cracking sound”
-May cause urethral injury
Penile Rupture or Fracture
-Only occurs on uncircumsized penis
-Fibrous constriction of the foreskin preventing retraction
-most commonly caused by candidal infection
-Occurs when the retracted foreskin develops a fixed constriction proximal to the glans penis
-A true urologic emergency
-penis distal to foreskin may be swollen and painful
-urinary retention