Gastrointestinal Flashcards
- Non-bloody diarrhea
- Watery loose stools
- Periumbilical cramps
- Nausea & vomiting
- Bloating
- Mild, self-limited
- Caused by a virus or bacteria
Non-Inflammatory Diarrhea
- Bloody diarrhea
- Fever
- LLQ cramps
- Fecal urgency/ tenesmus
- Stool containing pus
- Caused by invasive or toxin-producing bacterium
- 6 or more loose stools in 24 hours
- Profuse watery diarrhea and symptoms of dehydration
Inflammatory Diarrhea
-Often asymptomatic
-Epigastric pain
-Nausea and vomiting
-Upper GI bleeding with “coffee
grounds” emesis or bloody aspiration on NG Tube
Erosive and Hemorrhagic Gastritis
-Infrequent stool
-Excessive straining
-Sense of incomplete evacuation
-Need for digital manipulation
-Painless prolapse w/ blood or mucoid discharge
-Not visible or palpable (may protrude through the anus with gentle straining)
-If prolapsed, can see visible purple nodules covered by mucosa
-Bright red blood
-Streaks visible on toilet paper/stool or drips into the toilet after a BM
Internal Hemorrhoids
-Visible bluish perianal nodule
-Bright red blood per rectum
-Protrusion, discomfort
-Tender to palpation
External Hemorrhoids
-Linear or rocket shaped ulcer
-Less than 5mm in length
-Severe, tearing pain during defecation followed by throbbing discomfort
-May lead to constipation
-Bright red blood on stool or toilet paper
-Caused by straining, constipation, or anal sex
Anal Fissure
-Dull, aching, or throbbing continuous perianal pain
-Erythema, fluctuance, and swelling
-Worse immediately before defecation, lessened after
-Aggravated by straining, coughing, or sneezing
-Pain and tenderness interfere with walking or sitting
Anorectal Abscess
/Perianal Abscess
-Usually preceded by a non-healing anorectal abscess
-Chronic purulent discharge
-Itching, tenderness, pain
-Pustule-like lesion in the perianal or buttocks area
-Intermittent rectal pain during defecation and sitting
-Intermittent and malodorous perianal drainage
Anorectal Fistula
-Occur in the midline of the gluteal crease
-Tender mass
-Persistent discharge
-Sacrococcygeal region
-Caused by ingrown hair
Pilonidal Cyst
-Palpable mass & tenderness
-Insidious onset
-Intermittent fever & diarrhea
-Skip lesions
-Non-bloody diarrhea
-Fever, Malaise
-Weight loss
-Cramping abdominal pain
-Possible intra-abdominal abscess
-Perianal disease w/ abscess & fistulas
Crohn’s Disease
-Bloody diarrhea
-Lower abdominal cramps
-Relieved by defecation
-Fecal urgency
-Periods of symptomatic flare ups and remissions
Ulcerative Colitis
-Abdominal pain
-Can have diarrhea/constipation
-Change in frequency of stool
-Relieved with defecation
-Stress factors contribute to this
-Late teens to early 20’s
-Otherwise normal exam
-Bloating or feeling abdominal distention
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
-Occurs 30-60 min after meals
-Reports relief from taking antacids or baking soda
-Chest pain
-Exacerbated by acidic foods, bending, or recumbency
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
-Severe retrosternal chest pain
-Dysphagia often beginning several hours to one month after taking a pill
-History of taking pills without water or supine
Pill-induced Esophagitis
-Localized substernal chest pain
-Hx of chronic GERD
-sensation of food stuck in throat/chest
Esophageal Stricture
-Intermittent dysphagia
-Gradual onset of dysphagia with solid foods and some liquid
-Can be present for months
-Substernal chest pain and discomfort/fullness
-Lifting neck or throwing shoulders back to enhance gastric emptying
Esophageal Spasm
-epigastric pain
-gnawing, dull, aching, hunger-like pain
-relief of pain w/ food or antacids
-symptomatic periods are intermittent
-Caused by NSAIDs and H-pylori
Peptic Ulcer Disease
- LLQ pain
- Fever
- Chills
- Nausea & Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Palpable mass
- Acute aching abdominal pain
- Leukocytosis
- Constipation/Diarrhea
- Gas/bloating
-Hematemesis bright red blood or brown coffee grounds
-Melena “tar colored” black stool
Upper GI Bleed
-Hematochezia usually present
-passage of fresh blood
-dark maroon color
Lower GI Bleed
- RLQ pain/ Periumbilical
- Anorexia
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- TTP localized rigidity at McBurney’s point
- Fever
- Leukocytosis
- Colicky
- Steady, severe pain and tenderness
- Nausea and vomiting
- Fever
- Chills
- Leukocytosis
- Precipitated by large fatty meal
- Clay colored stools
- LUQ/Epigastric pain
- Abrupt onset
- Pain is steady, boring, and severe
- Abdomen distended
- Bowel sounds may be absent
- Worse w/ lying supine, better w/ sitting & leaning forward
- Radiates to back or shoulder
- Hx of heavy alcohol intake or heavy meal
- Nausea, vomiting, sweating, weakness
- Abdominal tenderness & distention
- Fever & Leukocytosis
-A protrusion of any body part through a cavity
-Abdominal contents herniate DIRECTLY through Hasselbach’s triangle
-Caused by muscular weakness
-Less likely to incarcerate and strangulate
Direct Inguinal Hernia
-Abdominal contents protrude through the inguinal canal
-Caused by a patent processus vaginalis
-Frequently incarcerate and strangulate
Indirect Inguinal Hernia
-Constant aching diffuse lower abdominal pain
-Bloating and distention
-Constipation and inability to pass flatus
-Possible feculent vomitus
Large Bowel Obstruction
- crampy colicky abd pain
- active high pitched BS w/ occasional “rushes” sounds like “tinkly”
- unable to find a comfortable position
- abdominal distention
- nausea, vomiting
- possible diarrhea
- tympanic abd on percussion
- commonly caused by adhesions/hernias
Small Bowel Obstruction
-Very ill appearing
-abdominal pain
-typically DO NOT WANT to move
-Board-like abdomen
-May have absent bowel sounds
-Percussion: absence of dullness over the liver suggest free air/ perforation)
Secondary Peritonitis