Growth Human Development Flashcards
- this theory does not cover the entire lifespan, the final stage begins at age 12
Freud Stages: psychosexual
- Oral: pleasure through the mouth
- Anal:
- Phallic: Oedipus complex
- Latency: stage that emphasizes sexuality
- Genital: adolescence, reemergence of Oedipus/Electra complex
Structural Theory of the Mind
Id: pleasure principle (unconscious)
Ego: reality principle (conscious)
Superego: moralistic, values, idealistic
occurs when an issue or conflict in a stage remains unresolved, leaving the individual focused on this stage and unable to move onto the next
Erikson’s Stages
- Trust vs. Mistrust
- Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt
- Initiative vs. Guilt
- Industry vs. Inferiority
- Identity vs. Role confusion
- Intimacy vs. Isolation
- Generativity vs. Stagnation
- Integrety vs. Despair
- Freud and Erikson
- individual’s neural development must be a certain level of maturity for the behavior to unfold, client’s childhood/past important therapeutic topics, allow clients to work through early conflicts
- means withdrawn and isolated
- behaviors that manifests in all normal members of a given species
- occurs during the preoperational stage (Piage) is characterized by focusing on a key featured of a given object while now noticing the rest of it.
Concrete operational stage
- children learn learn best from their own actions, not lectures
Preoperation stage
- includes the acquisition of symbolic schema
- animistic
- object loss
- if a child is unable to bond with an adult by the age of 3, will have abnormal social realtionships
- occurs when a child acts as if nonliving objects have lifelike abilities and tendencies
preoperational stage
Elementary school counseling and guidance services
- increased rapidly in 1960
- systematic desensitization
- monkeys
Albert Ellis
- transactional analysis
Frank Parson
- Father of guidance
- claimed that we are naturally aggressive
- Imprinting
- self-actualization
- research “psychological of the average” you will have a sick theory of human behavior
Counselors who are maturationists
- allow clients to work through early conflicts
Ritualistic behaviors
- fixed-actions patterns elicited by sign stimuli
Holding environment
- the client can make meaning in the face of a crisis and can find a new direction