Growth/Dev Flashcards
Caloric requirements birth to 6 months?
Caloric requirements 7 months to 1 year?
100 kcal/kg/day
Caloric requirements 2 years to 10 years?
100-70 kcal/kg/day
Caloric requirements for adolescents?
45 kcal/kg/day
Caloric requirements for adults?
30 kcal/kg/day
How much weight should infants gain daily their first 3 months of life?
1 oz/day or 30 g/day
How much should infants gain daily from 3-6 months of life?
How much Vit D should infants be supplemented with and when should it start?
400 IU/per day starting at 2 months old and continuing through adolescents
What circumstances requires Vit B12 be given to infants?
When the infant is breastfed and their mother is a strict vegetarian
What is the iron supplementation dose and when should it be given?
1 mg/kg/day starting at 6 months of age in exclusively breastfed babies
What is considered a deficient fluoride level in the water supply?
less that 0.6 parts per million (ppm)
Weight ______ by 5-6 months of age.
Weight ______ by 1 year of age.
Weight ______ by 2 years of age.
How many inches do children 3 years through school age grow annually?
2.5 inches
How many pounds do school age children gain annually?
5-7 pounds
What is the progression of primary tooth eruption and what ages?
Central incisor (6-7.5m) Lateral incisor (7-9 m) Cuspid (16-18 m) First molar (12-14 m) Second molar (20-24m) **Mandibular first, followed by maxillary
What is the progression of permanent tooth eruption?
Central incisor (6-8 yrs) Lateral incisor (7-9 yrs) Cuspid (9-12 y) First bicuspid (10-12 yrs) Second biscuspid (10-12 yrs) First molar (6-7 yrs) Second molar (11-13 yrs)
Sensorimotor stage
Birth to 2 years Inborn reflexes object permanence Aware of environment Trial and error
Preoperational stage
2-4 years: preop/preconceptual egocentrism difficulty distinguishing fact from fantasy 4-7 years: preop/intuitive beginning of causation
Concrete operational
7-11 years logical thought (ex. multiplication tables)
Formal operational
11-15 years
abstract thinking
complex problem solving
Name Jean Piagets 4 main stages of development
- Sensorimotor (birth- 2 years)
- Preoperational (2y- 7y)
- Concrete operational (7y -11y)
- Formal operational (11y-15y)
Name Erik Erickson’s 5 main stages of development
- Trust vs. mistrust (infancy: birth-1 year)
- Autonomy vs. shame (toddler: 1-3 yrs)
- Initiative vs. guilt (preschool: 3-6yrs)
- Industry vs. inferiority (school age: 6-12yrs)
- Identity vs. role confusion (12-18 yrs)
Provide age and example of Trust vs. Mistrust
Infacy: birth-1 year
Ex) feeding
Provide age and example of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Toddler: 1-3 yrs
Ex) potty training
Provide age and example of Initiative vs. Guilt
Preschool: 3-6 yrs
Ex) do things without parents
Provide age and example of Industry vs. Inferiority
School age: 6-12 yrs
Ex) boyscout badges, trophies
Provide age and example of Identity vs. Role Confusion
Adolescents: 12-18 yrs
Development of who they are and idea of what they want to become
What are the three components of personality determined by Freud?
- Id: principle of pleasure–develops birth-6 months
- Ego: principle of reality/self-interest–develops 3-6 yrs
- Superego: principle of morality or conscience–develops 6-12 yrs
What are Freud’s five stages of psychosocial development?
- Oral:
birth-6 months: passive (sucking)
7m-18m: aggressive (teething) - Anal: 1.5-3 yrs (potty training)
- Phallic: 3-6 yrs (love of opposite sex, oedipal complex)
- Latency: 6-12 yrs (sexual drive repressed, socialization)
- Genital: 12-18 yrs (learning about body/what to do with it)
How do you calculate corrected gestation age and how long do you calculate this for?
Chronological age minus weeks premature
**Do this through age 2 years
When do you start calculating BMI and what is the calculation?
Weight in kg divided by height in meters squared
Start plotting this at 2 years (not accurate before)
What is the Denver II and what does it measure?
Generalized assessment tool used from birth to 6 years of age; measures gross and fine motor development, language, and social development
Head control
2-3 months
Rolls back to front
5-6 months
Sits alone
7 months
Pulls to stand
9-10 months
Stands alone
111-12 months
12-14 months
Walks up and down stairs
22-24 months
24-28 months
Grasps and shakes a rattle
2-3 months
Reaches for an object
3-4 months
Hand to hand transfer
5-6 months
**Means 2 hemispheres of the brain are communicating–if baby cannot do this, it is the first clue that their may be brain damage and a sign of cerebral palsy
Raking grasp
6-7 months
Finger grasp
7-9 months
Pincer grasp
8-10 months
Marks on paper
10-12 months
Stacks 3 blocks
17-18 months
Stacks 6-7 blocks
22-24 months
Smiles and coos
2-3 months
4-5 months
5-6 months
Says mama-dada
8-9 months
Waves bye-bye
8-9 months
Understands No
9-10 months
Points to body parts
15-18 months (this is when the child becomes self-aware)
2 word sentences
22-24 months
Name things a 2-5 month old does
Gross motor:
Lifts head/chest when on stomach
Holds head steady when pulled to sit
Fine motor:
grasps rattle
Language: smiles and coos intently watches person's face tracks with eyes laughs startles to loud noise
Name things a 6-9 month old does
Gross motor: rolls over sits independently supports weight on feet crawls
Fine motor:
transfers objects
uses thumb and fingers to pick up objects
turns to sound
responds to name
babbles and combines vowel/consonant sounds
Name things a 10-12 month old does
Gross motor:
Sits independently and plays
Pulls to stand/cruises on furniture
Moves purposely to get object
Fine motor:
Uses both hands equally well
Language: Takes simple action upon request Purposefully says Mama or Dada Communicates by reaching and pointing Recognizes people Increased curiosity
Name things a 13-18 month old does
Gross motor:
Walks alone
Throw ball overhead
Fine motor:
Scribbles with large crayon
Feeds self with fingers/spoon
Coordinates use of both hands
Language: 4-10 word vocabulary Follows simple directions Responds to name Points to 2 pictures upon request Long jabbering sentences
Name things a 19-24 month old does
Gross motor:
Walks up/down stairs
Jumps with both feet
Fine motor:
Completes simple puzzles/circle shapes first
Stacks 6-7 blocks
Uses 2 word sentences
30-50 word vocabulary