Growth And Development In Plants Flashcards
What is growth?
Growth is the permanent, irreversible, increase in size of cells and organs as a result of cell division, elongation, and enlargement.
What is development?
Development is the process of gradual procession from early stage(seed) to a later stage(adult plant) through the process of maturation
When is plant development said to occur?
Plant development occurs when growth, morphogenesis, and differentiation take place
What is Differentiation?
Formation of tissues With specialised and/or specialised functions.
Plant development is dependent on…
The interaction of the inherited genetic material and the envirionment..
The entire process of growth and development in plant is carried out by the specialized cells called
Meristematic cells
What are the phases of growth in plants?
Meristematic phase/Formative stage
Elongation phase
Maturation phase
The root tip of a plant consists of what kind of cells and the zone is called what
Meristematic cells, which are continuously dividing and are isodiametric(with no spave between the cells); Meristematic zone
What consists of the meristematic zone,and where are the meristematic cells present?
Rich protoplasm and large conspicuous nucleus.
They are present in the roots and shoots of every plants.
In what region do pre-existing cells divide to give rise to new cells, and it is called what?
Meristematic zone; Mitosis
Nuclear division and cytoplasmic division are also called..
Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis, respectively.
Cells elongate due to…
Enlargement of the vacuole present in the cell, and the zone is called zone of elongation.
What takes place In the elongation phase?
Cell enlargement and new cell wall formation.
Cell enlargement is made possible by…
Increment in the size of cells
Tissues and organs
Formation of protoplasm
Absorption of water
What is De-differentiation
When matured cells divide and differentiate again.
What happens in the phase of maturation
It is found as a mass differentiation phase where cells differentiate to perform special functions in the plant.
What are the factors that affect plant growth
Soil nutrients
Plant growth regulators
Explain Imbibition in the process of seed germination
At the beginning stage, the seed takes up water rapidly and this result in swelling and softening of the seed coat at an optimum temperature.
What starts the growth process
Activation of enzymes
Explain the lag phase in the process of seed germination.
The seed activates its internal physiology and starts to respire and produce proteins and metabolites the stored food.
Growth rate is
Increased growth per unit time
What is Arithmetic growth rate
This growth is gradual and increases as time increases. Height of a plant and the elongation phase fall into this.
What is Geometric Growth rate
The initial growth is slow and it increases rapidly thereafter an exponential rate. The differentiation and maturation phase fall in this growth..
What is determinate growth
Growth is determinate when an organ, a part or the whole organism stops growing after reaching a certain size. E.g leaves and flowers
What is Indeterminate growth
Indeterminate growth is when an organ or a part or the whole of an organism continues to divide and grow indefinitely.
The indeterminate growth and development of plants result in the formation of
Primary Tissues and secondary tissues
What are Primary and secondary Tissues
Primary Tissues are tissues involved in the Apical growth of plants. E.g Apical Meristem
Secondly Tissues are Tissues involved in the Lateral growth of plants. E.g Lateral Meristem.