Groupers and CER Flashcards
Determine What Type of Diagnosis Grouper to Use
1. Is the grouper related to a regulatory program, like Promoting Interoperability or Core Measures
﴾among others﴿?
Yes = Import grouper changes from the Foundation System. Work with your Epic representative to
effectively use Foundation System content in your environment.
No = Continue to the next question.
2. Would a concept grouper be too broad? Do you need to list only specific codes?
Yes = Build an ICD codes grouper to include only certain ICD codes.
No = Continue to the next question.
3. Should the grouper evaluate multiple diagnosis term records?
Yes = Continue to the next question.
No = Build a general grouper or list the single term record directly without the use of a grouper.
Whenever possible, avoid using general groupers as they require significant maintenance. Each
time your organization receives a diagnosis content load there will be new term diagnoses created
and old diagnosis term records inactivated.
4. Do you use SNOMED CT?
Yes = Build a concept grouper with SNOMED concepts.
No = Build an ICD codes grouper with the list of codes
Because groups of medication records are used so frequently in decision support and elsewhere, ERX
groupers differ slightly from other master file groupers. All medication groupers should have a Type of
The majority of medication groupers should have a Type of General and include medications
using the Medication Concepts tab. This configuration ensures that the groupers include
appropriate Medication ﴾ERX﴿ records following medication loads and the creation of new
medication records