Group Dynamics Ch 1 Flashcards
Primary group
A small, long-term group characterized by frequent interaction, solidarity, and high levels of interdependence among members that substantially influences the attitudes, values, and social outcomes of its members.
Social group
A relatively small number of individuals who interact with one another over an extended period of time, such as work groups, clubs, and congregations.
A relatively large aggregation or group of individuals who display similarities in actions and outlook. A street crowd, a line of people (a queue), and a panicked group escaping a fire are examples of collectives, as are more widely dispersed groups (e.g., listeners who respond similarly to a public service announcement.
Two or more individuals who are connected by
and within social relationships
Social Capital
The degree of functional interconnectedness of a group of people thought to promote coordinated action for mutual benefit; analogous to other forms
of capital, such as human or economic capital.
Social Category
A perceptual grouping of people who are assumed to be similar to one another in some ways but different in one or more ways, such as all women, the elderly, college students, or all citizens of a specific country.
Social Identity
An individual’s sense of self that are assumed to be common to most or all of the members of the same group or social category.
Prototypes (or stereotypes)
A socially shared set of
cognitive generalizations (e.g., beliefs, expectations)
about the qualities and characteristics of the typical member of a particular group or social category.
The individuals who constitute a group.
Social network
A set of interpersonally interconnected individuals or groups.
Task interaction
Actions performed by group members
that pertain to the group’s projects, tasks, and goals.
Relationship interaction (Socioemotional interaction)
Actions performed by group
members that relate to or influence the emotional and
interpersonal bonds within the group, including both
positive actions (social support, consideration) and negative actions (criticism, conflict).
The state of being dependent to some
degree on other people, as when one’s outcomes,
actions, thoughts, feelings, and experiences are determined in whole or in part by others.
Group Structure
The organization of a group, including the members, their interrelations, and their interactions.
A coherent set of behaviors expected of people who
occupy specific positions within a group. It is a socially shared set of behaviours, characteristics, and responsibilities expected of people who occupy a particular position or type of position within a group; by enacting roles, individuals establish regular patterns of exchange with one another that increase predictability and social coordination.