Gross Anatomy Flashcards
The motor innervation to the diaphragm originate form spinal levels ______
The sensory innervation to the diaphragm originate form spinal levels ______
Name the three major apertures of the diaphragm and their spinal levels
- Foramen for Vena Cava (T8)
- Esophageal Hiatus (T10)
- Aortic Hiatus (T12)
Which two nerves pass through both the R and L Crus of the Diaphragm?
Greater and Lesser Splanchnic nerves
Which nerve supplies motor to the abdominal wall muscles and sensory to the supra pubic region?
Iliohypogastric Nerve
Which nerve supplies motor to the abdominal wall muscles and sensory to the pubic region?
Ilioinguinal Nerve
Which nerve supplies sensory to the parietal peritoneum and skin of the anterior and lateral thigh?
Lateral Cutaneous Nerve
Which nerve supplies motor and sensor to the lower extremities?
Femoral Nerve
Which nerve supplies motor to the cremaster muscle and sensory to anterior thigh?
Genitofemoral Nerve
Which nerve supplies sensory to the upper medial thigh and motor to the adductor muscles of the lower extremities?
Obturator Nerve
What three hormones are synthesized by the Kidney
Kidney infections tend to spread (up to the diaphragm/down to the pelvis) due to the incomplete fusion of the fascia in this region
down to the pelvis
Significant jarring or loss of perirenal fat can allow the kidney to drop inferiorly known as ______
There (is/is not) communication between segmental renal arteris
is not!
occlusion can lead to infarction
The 3 constriction of the ureter that are likely places for kidney stones are
- uretero-pelvic juction
- ureter passing over iliac vessles
- junction with the urinary bladder
Which kidney sits a little lower (right/left)
right (displaced by the liver)
Which Adrenal Gland is slightly larger (right/left)
What might you mistake a psoas abscess for?
may be mistaken for an inguinal or femoral hernia
Compression of the left renal vein in between the SMA and Aorta is sometimes called ________ syndrome
Excess water in the kidney is called _____
The greater splanchnic nerves arise from spinal levels __ to ___
The lesser splanchnic nerves arise from spinal levels __ to __
The least splanchnic nerves arise from spinal level __
The inferior aspect of the pubic symphysis and the tip of the coccyx defines the boundary of the _____ _____
pelvic outlet
The superior aspect of the pubic symphysis to the sacral promontory defines the boundary of the ______
pelvic inlet
The pelvic diaphragm is made up of two muscles, the _____ and _____
levator ani and coccygeous
The thin muscular sheet that is the floor of the pelvic cavity is called the _____ ______
pelvic diaphragm
When herniated material passed through the deep ring lateral to the inferior epigastric artery it is (direct/indirect) inguinal hernia
When herniated material passes through Hesselbachs triangle medial to the inferior epigastric artery it is (direct/indirect) inguinal hernia
A hernia inferior to the inguinal ligament is a ______ hernia
Descent of the testes is guided by the ______ which attaches at their inferior pole
Derived from the fascia of the internal abdominal oblique muscle, this muscle extends to the superior pole of the testes
Cremaster muscle
The fascia covering the testes derived from the internal abdominal oblique muscle is the ______ fascia
middle spermatic fascia
The cremaster muscle is innervated by the ______ branch of the genitofemoral nerve
genital branch
List the three layers covering the spermatic cord
- internal spermatic fascia
- cremaster and middle spermatic fascia
- external spermatic fascia
incomplete testicular descent with testes remaining along the normal descent pathway is called _____
What type of hernia will go through Hesselbach’s triangle?
A direct inguinal hernia
Which type of hernia more likely ends up in scrotum?
Indirect inguinal
Which type of hernia is more common in women?
Femoral hernia
What is the dividing line between an inguinal and femoral hernia?
The inguinal ligament
Direct (medial) hernias tend to be (congenital/acquired)
Indirect (lateral) hernias tend to be (congenital/acquired)
The remnant of the processus vaginalis that is reflected upon the testes is the ______
tunica vaginalis
Direct hernias rarely pass beyond the ______
superficial ring
An abnormal testicular descent with the testicle outside the normal descent pattern is called a _____ testical
ectopic testical
The labia majora and scrotum are supplied by the external and internal _____ arteries
What three structures open into the vestibule of the vagina?
- greater vestibular glands
- vagina
- urethra
The ovary (is/is not) contained within the broad ligament
is not!
Broad ligament: Which is associated with the uterine tube? (mesosalpinx/mesovarium/mesometrium)
Broad ligament: Attaches uterus to the lateral walls and floor of the pelvis (mesosalpinx/mesovarium/mesometrium)
Which nerve enters the deep ring of the inguinal canal?
Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
The ovaries are on the (superior/posterior) aspect of the broad ligament
90% of ectopic pregnancies implant in the _____
uterine tube
The lower 1/3 of the uterus is called the ______
The ovarian artery anastomoses with the _____ artery
uterine artery
Blood supply to the anterior scrotum is from the ______ artery and vein
external pudendal
Blood supply to the posterior scrotum is from the ______ artery and vein
internal pudendal
The thick covering of connective tissue surrounding the testes is called ____
tunica albuginea
Site of maturation and storage of sperm _____
Tail of the epididymis becomes the _____
vas deferens
By what mechanism is arterial blood cooled as it goes to the testes?
countercurrent heat exchange with venous blood
Sensory form the anterior scrotum is conveyed by ______ nerve
ilioinguinal nerve (L1)
Sensory from the posterior scrotum is conveyed by posterior scrotal nerves branched from the ______ nerve
pudendal nerve (S2, 3, 4)
Damage or weakness of the puborectalis muscle can result in _____
The left testicular vein drains into the ______
Left renal vein
The right testicular vein drains into the _______
inferior vena cava
Inflammation of the glandular tissue within the testes (esp. as a complication of mumps) is called ________
Enlargement or varicosity of the veins of the spermatic cord is called ________
The seminal vesicles (70% of ejaculate) produce nutrients for sperm such as _____ (5)
- Fructose
- Prostaglandins
- ascorbic acid
- simple sugars
- amino acids
The deep dorsal arteries that supply the penis are branches of the ____ _____ artery
internal pudendal
To where does the deep dorsal vein drain?
Prostatic venous plexus and vesicle plexus
The crest or hill on the posterior prostatic urethra is called the ____ ____
colliculus seminalis
The small blind pouch located in the middle of the colliculus seminalis is called the ______
In males, what glands open up into the membranous urethra?
The bulbourethral glands
What important sperm nutrients are provided by the prostate’s secretory products? (3)
- Citric Acid
- Phosphates
- Zinc
The two crura of the penis are covered by the _________ muscle
What nerve supplies sensory information to the root of the penis?
ilioinguinal nerve
The tissue that surrounds the spongy urethra is called the _____ ______
corpus spongiosum
The paired cylinders in the penis that contain true erectile tissue are called the _____ _____
Corpora cavernosa
What two muscles make up the pelvic floor?
- Coccygeus
2. Levator ani
Which nerve tells you that your bladder is full?
Visceral afferents traveling with the pelvic splanchnic nerves
Relaxation of what muscle that supports the neck of the bladder allows for urination?
pubococcygeous muscle
Contraction of the smooth muscles of the bladder during urination are initiated by the _____ _____ nerves
pelvic splanchnic nerves
Which muscle allows retention of feces in the rectum?
puborectalis muscle
What two muscles contract during ejaculation?
- Bulbospongiosus
2. Ischiocavernosus
Which nerve stimulates the process of emission?
sympathetics of lumbar splanchnics
Which nerve stimulates the process of ejaculation?
somatic fibers of the pudendal nerves
What are the three (other) structures in the spermatic cord?
- Vas deferens
- Venous plexus
- Testicular Lymphatics
What are the three arteries in the spermatic cord?
- Testicular artery
- Artery to Vas Deferens
- Cremasteric artery
What are the three nerves in the spermatic cord?
- Testicular nerve (symp)
- Genital branch of genetofemoral
- Ilioinguinal (does not enter deep ring, runs lateral)
Which fluid accounts for the majority of ejaculate (70%)?
Seminal vesicle fluid
The internal pudendal artery is a branch off of the ______ ______ artery
internal iliac
The dorsal nerves of the penis and the posterior scrotal nerves are both branches of the ______ nerve
From what abdominal muscle is the cremaster muscle derived?
internal abdominal oblique
The pudendal nerve exits at sacral levels __, __, and __ ‘keeps the poop off the floor’
S2, 3, 4
What nerve exits the greater sciatic foramen and enters the lesser sciatic foramen?
The Pudendal nerve