Greetings & Introductions Flashcards
Kia ora
Casual, informal greeting that you can use with someone you know or have developed a rapport with including whānau, friends and people you know well. It can also be used to say ‘Thanks!’, ‘Best wishes’, ‘Be well’ or ‘Cheers!’
Tēnā koe
Polite, formal term, and is used with a person you don’t know, in particular when addressing elders or those in a position of authority
Tēnā kōrua
Polite, formal greeting for two people
Tēnā koutou
Polite greeting for three or more people.
When introducing yourself, is used to say where you are from. It can be used to say your town, city, or iwi affiliation.
Nō hea koe?
Where are you from?
Nō Ōtautahi ahau
I am from Christchurch
Nō Te Whanganui-a-Tara ahau
I am from Wellington
Nō Ngāi Tahu ahau
I affiliate to the Ngāi Tahu tribe/people
Ata mārie
Good morning
Good morning; morning
Ahiahi mārie
Good afternoon
Pō mārie
Good evening; Good night
Nau mai
Haere mai
Welcome!; Come here
Haere rā
Goodbye (to a person going)
E noho rā
Goodbye (said to someone staying)
Tēnā koutou katoa
Greetings to you all; hello to you all
Ka kite anō
See you again; see you later
Nau mai hoki mai
Welcome Back