Green book pre-test ?s Flashcards
A family enters therapy because a 5 year old is uncontrollable and has been dx as autistic. The recommended approach for treating the family is:
Compared to MRI-brief therapy, experiential is:
more reliant on the therapist’s personal feelings
A possible advantage to using SFT with alcoholics is:
the focus on solutions avoids the need to confront denial head on in the early stage of therapy
The subjective distortion of a relationship, as if one’s partner, or even one’s child, were the parent is called:
Practitioners of what model do not believe that the family must change its belief system in order to achieve second order change?
As a feminist therapist, you are least likely to agree with the following statement:
structural therapy is widely used model in feminist based therapist since it addresses boundaries and coalitions
Researchers report that one year following divorce tends to mark the peak of negative behaviors for children. Such behaviors were most likely sustained in:
boys rather than girls
Following the death of her husband, a middle aged mother is most likely to exhibit:
Research on the impact of divorce on children has generally show that:
the severity of the impact depends on the relationship between the parents
A mother of a 15 year old boy brings her son in for counseling. During the interview you discover that the parents are divorced and the father is the custodial parent. You should:
refuse to see the boy without permission of the custodial parent.
The essential feature of anorexia nervosa is:
refusal to maintain body weight
Sensate focus, a frequently used task in sexual therapy is used:
to reduce performance anxiety
A couple comes to see you for therapy. During the first interview, you learn that the husband is unable to sustain an erection. According to the research, the most likely cause is:
psychological problems
The following author has written extensively on families and larger systems as well as the use of rituals in families and family therapy:
Evan Imber-Black
As assessment tool used by the Circumplex model is:
A feminist therapist is least likely to:
advocate valueless neutrality
A married man complains that he is unable to satisfy his wife sexually. A more complete history indicates the man is impotent. Which of the following would indicate if the problem is psychological or physiological?
observing the man while he sleeps
Privilege refers to:
a legal requirement designed to protect confidential information from being disclosed in a legal proceeding
marital “quid pro quo” refers to:
a contract in which behaviors are defined as dependent on what another person does
A double bind must have what following features or characteristics?
2 or more people involved in an ONGOING relationship; one person in the relationship has more power over the other; the person without power cannot escape the relationship; 2 or more contradicting or conflicting injunctions are given to the person with less power
What is a “classic symptom” of major depressive disorder?
sleep disturbances
Gottman encourages what important aspects of couples therapy?
encourages the use of soft start ups, helping couples develop fondness and admiration for one another, and helps teach couples self soothing methods
term: is the emotional release of repressed, unconscious material and affords a client insight into the relationship between his/her behavior and unconscious processes
In systems theory, the external environment can?
have a positive effect on the family
What types of approaches should a client expect from an Existential therapist?
focus on taking responsibility for choices and making meaning of the experience
term: a blurring of psychological boundaries between self and others; resulting contamination of emotional and psychological functioning
- Bowen term
term: type of communication that is characterized by equality between the partners; can lead to conflict and competition; each partner tries to “one up” the other
What does a behavioral treatment plan measure when wanting to know client progress?
measurable objectives that refer back to baseline behaviors
a behavioral therapist views symptoms as a result of what?
Learning; view as earlier learning and can be unlearned
Albert Ellis viewed emotions as?
a product of thoughts and beliefs
What does projective resentment also mean?
Minuchin viewed what….as “the therapist’s method for creating a therapeutic system with a family and of positioning himself or herself as its leader?”
How many marriages suffer from sexual dysfunction?
term: tendency to move toward disorder and disorganization
example- closed systems end up doing this
term: this occurs when individuals change their thinking and behavior to fit their social environment
How do client centered therapist view diagnosis?
unnecessary and possibly detrimental; places the therapist in a superior/authoritarian role
From a structural therapist view, a family member is most likely to display what type of symptoms? if: a family is characterized as enmeshed, overprotective, rigid, and an inability to resolve conflicts
Psychosomatic symptoms- emotional conflicts are transformed in to somatic symptoms
What is true about Personality disorders?
- behavior associated with is ego-syntonic
- dx is made only when the characteristic features are a part of the individuals long term functioning
- they are associated with social or occupational impairment
What could be indicators of child abuse?
clingy, fearful behavior, no peer relationships.
What is the first step a systems theorist (general systems) would do with a family?
to gather information from ALL the family members
What theorist uses paradoxical techniques?
i.e tells husband to yell at his wife as much as possible every evening
Jay Haley
A family with weak boundaries is?
What is the difference b/w enmeshed and fused boundaries?
enmeshed -used by Minuchin and means when boundaries are weak, diffuse-autonomy is limited and there is a lot of reactivity among them
Fused- Bowen term-a blurring of the intellectual and emotional boundaries between self and others- overly strong emotional attachments
Communication theorists focus on ?
The present- focus on here and now problems
Communication theorists focus on ?
The present- focus on here and now problems
As an MFT, what is your responsibility after you have given a client a referral?
to continue to see the client and work cooperatively with his or her new referral
When a client feels a sense of hope during the first few sessions is called?
a dual diagnosis setting usually treats?
substance use disorders along with another mental health disorder
A psychoanalytic family therapist view family dysfunction as?
a result of intrapsychia conflicts within the individual family members
A second order cyberneticist from a general systems position recognizes that families are?
agents in their own forms
A therapist who defines meaning in a client’s immediate experience of which the client is barely aware of is said to be displaying?
Therapists who work with traumatized clients can experience symptoms of?
vicarious traumatization
As a Bowenian therapist, a family with a high degree of fusion comes in; you notice one member is more differentiated than the other? Who do you most likely work with?
the most differentiated member in the family to help motivate other family members to move toward greater differentiation
term: by Jackson- something that is given or received for something else
Quid pro quo
What type of therapy believes that “common sense” solutions rarely work?
Strategic family therapy
-people become stuck doing more of the same
Constructivism views problems as not inherently problematic or because they have a mental disease but because?
of the way the client frames their problems- the way we “expect” to experience the world alters how we feel about it and how we act
Cultural values com from the?
dx: pattern of inhibited, emotionally withdrawn behaviors towards adult caregivers and a history of extreme insufficient care that is perceived to be responsible for those behaviors
What dx?
Reactive attachment disorder
according to psychoanalytic theory, obsessive compulsive behavior is related to problems that occur in what stage?
A person experiencing alcohol withdrawal would experience what kind of symptoms?
hand tremor, insomnia, hallucinations, and seizures
To assess for a childs perspective of her relationship with family members of her family, you would administer what test?
Kinetic family drawing
What is most useful to differentiate Schizophrenia and Shizophreniform disorder?
duration of symptoms
when a member of a minority group is uninvolved in the minority and his/her own cultural group, this is called what?
According to Walsh’s family resilience framework with families in crisis, what does a therapist focus on?
family belief systems, family communication processes, and organization patterns
What % of variability in psychotherapy outcome is due to common factors?
What % of variability in psychotherapy is due to a placebo effect AND therapeutic models and techniques?
According to Olson’s circumplex model, a family who is healthy is defined as being between what 2 extremes?
cohesion and flexibility that produce optimal family functioning
What is the 1st process to administer of evidence based practice
Formulate an answerable clinical question to help focus the search for information about your case
What is the 2-5th step in processing evidence based practice?
- search literature to obtain empirical evidence that answers the question in step 1
- evaluate validity and impact of the studies by considering the search methodology
- evaluate applicability in terms of your expertise, clients characteristics, and potenital risks/benefits
- evaluate effectiveness
A therapist using a transactional approach would use what kind of method?
analyzing the clients life scripts
-helping the client identify what the he/she has adopted and helping him/her autonomous behavior/non script
How does the collaborative approach view client/therapist relationship?
conversational partners who engage in dialogical conversation to explore client problems
- strives to be public about their thoughts and ideas about the client and their life
- not viewed as the truth but therapist opinions are offered as possibilities, comments
If a partner is actively physically abusive towards his/her partner, what should the therapist do if the couple wants to see you in for couples therapy?
refer both to support groups, tell the victim about shelter, tell them couples therapy isn’t appropriate now and offer individual therapy to each.
In Structural therapy, what type of joining process is taken at the beginning of therapy ?
engaging in the family conversation by using the family members mannerisms (mimesis) and communication style
What are the 3 major stages for Structural therapy?
joining, evaluating, and restructuring
Group therapy is contraindicated for people who are in a state of?
an acute crisis
A client who has a multi-problem, what intervention is best during the initial phase of treatment?
Partialization- developing priorities and distinguishing problems that need immediate attention from those that can be dealt with at a later time
based on the assumption that a person avoids a certain behavior because of the anticipatory anxiety the behavior arouses-what is this called?
paradoxical intention
Evidence based treatment refers to?
treatments with proven efficacy from a controlled research trials
As a structural family therapist, what interventions would be done for a triangulated family?
create stress in order to unbalance the family homeostasis
this is done BEFORE altering the family structure to help the family members susceptible to change
What is the #1 strategy for strategic therapy?
paradoxical interventions
Do more of the same
Brief therapy models focus primarily on?
first order change
in the case of an unscheduled termination, it is best to ?
invite the client in for a termination session- at the very least
What is the genogram symbol for a “secret family”?
a triangle- solid
What are the main tasks for a successful termination process?
relapse prevention, discussion of feelings, review, and planning
Before releasing any client information to another party, you would have to be provided by what 3 things in doing so?
a search warrant (not an arrest warrant), court order, or signed client authorization
In the DSM-5- Substance use disorder is described as having?
Impaired control, social imparitment, risky use, and pharmacology criteria
For a schizophrenic client, the client’s background would be LEAST likely to reveal?
A dx that: involves a pattern of culturally inappropriate and overly familiar behavior with unfamiliar people with evidence that the behavior is related to the experience of insufficient care
Disinhibited social engagement disorder
According to a transactional analysis therapist, in terms of the 3 ego states considered to be central parts of the personality, the healthy adult does what?
relies on all three ego states in an integrated, appropriate way
As a structural therapist, when one of the parents proceeds with, “it’s my son’s problem and I have no intention of proceeding with therapy. What is the typical response of this type of therapist?
To join with the family and tell the parent how much admire and respect his clarity
term: a structural term: acknowledging one member of a system for positive intent, while pointing to another member in the system how the action has a negative impact on him/her
stroke and a kick
What type of intervention would Jay Hayley perform on a client that involves having the individual perform an unpleasant act in order to engage in the target behavior?
When a case involves sexual dysfunction with no evidence of a medical or physiological cause, as an MFT, what is your first intervention?
to be a catlyst for communication
Structural therapist are more concerned with what kind of change? rather than presenting problem change
second order change
If the client is a minor, do parents have the right to obtain information from the therapist?
Yes- it is best to agree in advance what will be revealed to the parents
On a genogram, to indicate a cutoff has been repaired, what symbol is used?
Add a small circle between the cutoff lines
In cases of spousal battery, what is your FIRST step as a therapist?
provide for safety
The group with the highest risk of suicide is?
clients with MDD
From a systems perspective, negative feedback is?
From a structural perspective, triangulation, parent-child coalition and detouring are…?
methods for maintaining homeostatsis
-reduces conflicts or stress
When is humor appropriate to use with a client?
When a client, with out serious pathology, expresses a limited view on something
If a family in session develops high anxiety in the room, what should you do?
have each family member focus on his/her own source of their anxiety and then resume your attention to the group as a whole
As a collaborative therapist, the therapist is generally viewed as?
a co-learner with the client
term: No matter where one enters the system, the patterning with be the same
different can produce the same
Term: refers to changes that occur within subjects that as the result of the passage of time i.e : hunger, boredom, fatigue
A “gatekeeper “ is referred to as?
the client’s primary care physician
3 multicultural therapy competencies would be?
awareness, knowledge, and skills
What type of theory would use “relabeling” to alter the meaning of a situation
Strategic therapy
Object relations theory is most closely related to what other theoyr?
Ego psychology
What would a feminist therapist do with a victim of spousal abuse?
identify and rehearse an escape plan
The order of DBT therapy interventions?
reduce the client’s high risk behavior; reduce behaviors that interfere with the client able to benefit from therapy; decrease quality of life interferences; and help acquire behavioral skills
Don Jackson’s emphasis is on?
cognitive aspects of communication
type of communication that is “competitive”?
For Minuchin, scapegoating and overprotection of a child by the child’s mother and father are both forms of what?
term: is an expression and discharge of repressed emotions
- can be used in a “holding” technique by therapist for child’s anger
When should the therapist begin discussing termination?
at the beginning of therapy
Under HIPAA’s privacy rule, a health care provider may disclose protected health information with out a patients authorization when?
when the information will be used for a routine treatment, payment, and health care operations
What are the restrictions upon a therapist acting as a custody evaluator?
if the child is not also in treatment with the therapist
-can’t be in a dual role
If the therapist dies, what happens to their records?
records will be disbursed as specified in the therapist will
term: describes by language influenced by culture that refers to, loudness of voice, silence, rate of speech, and other vocal cues?
Sue and Sue
Alfred Adler would also agree that the emphasis in family therapy should be on?
identifying the effects of unresolved parental conflicts on the children
Social comparison theory’s predictions about behavior are particularly applicable to?
situations involving uncertainty
term: the belief that one’s own ethnic group, nation, or culture is superior to all others is referred to as?
According to Bowen, the concept of “undifferentiated family ego mass” results from what kind of family sysem?
triangulated family system
The incorporation of new knowledge into existing cognitive schemes is referred to as?
According to Bourne and Ekstrand, a therapist’s effectiveness in establishing an ideal therapist-client relationship increases as the therapist’s what increases?
term: cognitive process in which individuals take in and incorporate new information in to existing knowledge
- constructivist term
term: individuals modify existing cognitive schemas in order to include new information