Chapt 6- Experiential models Flashcards
What is the goal of experiential therapy?
to unblock honest emotional expression in families and to open individuals to their inner experience
“helping them to be more fully human”
-therapists, known for authenticity and self disclosure
-HERE AND NOW experience
What qualities do “healthy people” have according to Whittaker?
grow up in an atmosphere that supports their feelings, natural creativity, and individual growth
What qualities do healthy people have according to Satir?
nuture and open communication; talk candidly and listen to one another, give affection, and genuinely care
What qualities do dysfunctional families have?
avoidance of feelings; supress awareness and the expression of impulses; seek safety rather than growth; orient toward the past and the future, and not the present
-individuals- incapable of autonomy or spontaneity; low self esteem and destructive communication patterns
How is assessment work?
unstructured; focus is on the suppressed emotions and impulses that block the growth and fulfillment of individual family members
-focus on here and now experience
How is the treatment belief for experiential therapy?
belief that people are naturally creative, loving, and productive if they are free from constraint
What is the therapist role for tx?
serves as a model; supporting and confronting family members
-participates fully; active and directive
Who are the practitioners of experiential models?
Greenberg & Johnson; Kempler (Gestalt), Levant (client centered )
What are some techniques used in exp?
Family structure; family art therapy, symbolic drawing of life space, and role playing
What did Whitaker advocate in therapy?
have a co therapist- to help counterbalance and with countertransference reactions
Some experiential therapist don’t do a family history, who did?
when the therapist decides who should attend and asssumes the position of leader in order to block the family patterns of behavior- what term?
battle for structure
when the therapist communicates that the responsibility for the treatment belongs to the family- what term?
battle for initiative
How many generations did Whitaker in Symbolic therapy require?
2 or 3 generations in therapy
Assimilation and accommodation, regression and reintegration are what?
the processes of change
“Intimacy and separateness are…” what?
-ex: as one increases so must the other
Craziness in dysfunctional families falls in to 3 categories- what are they?
“driven crazy”- a member has been driven outside the family
“going crazy”-intensified version of therapeutic neurosis
“acting crazy”-member regresses in to crazy behavior when faced with intolerable anxiety
How does assessment go for symbolic therapy?
assessment begins with the first telephone contact
- includes the largest system available -whole system and subsystems
- therapists own responses are important (level of anxiety, physical sensations..”
What is the goal of symbolic therapy?
to establish the members a senses of belongingness and simultaneously to provide the freedom to individuality
-seek to increase creativity or “craziness”
What are the 10 general goals according to Whitaker and Keith?
- increase the level of stress
- develop a family nationalism
- expand relationship with extended family
- expand relationships with culture and comm.
- develop a sense of family boundaries
- separate the generations
- learns to play as a family
- develop a we-they, therapist-family split
- explode the myth of individuality
- allow each member to become him/herself
therapist adopting the language, accent, rhythm, or posture of the family- what term?
bilateral transference
What is the single most important factors in successful treatments?
therapists personality and psychological health
What was the effectiveness of sympbolic approach?
had little empirical outcome data
What were some problems in the treatment for symbolic?
therapists can become so much a part of the family they can’t help change it; can fail to acknowledge their own anxiety or stress; mixing culture; misuse of valid techniques
What type of model did Virginia Satir use?
Human Validation process model
What did Satir assume about humans?
that humans strive for growth and potential; people want to be whole, authentic, sensitive, and genuine with one another.
According to Satir, symptoms were the result of…..?
A Satir technique, that helped clients experience the different parts of their personalities and enable them to see how they operate as an integrate whole
parts party
What were Satir’s 5 styles of communication?
placating, avoiding, blaming, computing, and leveling
communication that: pacifying, smoothing over differences, being nice, being protective, defending others gently, covering up
communication that: uses logic, lecturing, using outside authority
communication that: is “real” responding”; integrated, flowing, and alive; appropriate to the situation
What type of Satir treatment was used for couples?
Conjoint marital therapy; both marital partners are seen together by the same therapist or co-therapist;
-used specifically for married couples with no kids; which one or both have a psychiatric disorder or social disorder
What did Satir’s goals for changes in each partner include?
- Cognitive and affective change in the perception of self and other
- change in the way thoughts and feelings are expressed
- . change in reactions to others
Treatment for conjoint marital therapy involves?
communication analysis, model analysis, and label or role function analysis
-examines the couples ability to make room for self and others
treatment that represents a growing child’s method for making sense of his/her parents differences and the way he/she selects those aspects of parental male/female role models that become a blueprint for his/her behavior and expectations
model integration analysis
term: the way one comments about thoughts and feelings in the presence of othersalong three dimensions
manifesting self
term: the match between what one says and does and how one sounds and looks
term: the clarity in how one sounds, looks, and what one does
term: wholeness and specificity of the message
Goal for Satir’s couples?
help partners improve the clarity of their communication; to help partners understand that to be different is not cause for war but helps them honor the other’s uniqueness
Therapist role in conjoint marital therapy?
therapist to make full use of him/herself; serves as a camera; more observant communication; serves as a model of communication; a resource
What is the goal of EFT?
to reprocess experience and reorganize interactions to create a secure bond between the partners, a sense of secure connectedness
-looks within at how partners construct their emotional experience of relatedness and between at how partners engage each other
How long is treatment in EFT?
8-20 sessions; brief
What type of approach is EFT?
a humanistic approach
-recognizes the importance of emotion
What are the main approaches to the practice of EFT?
- focus on process
- focus on the necessity for a safe, collaborative therapeutic alliance
- focus on health; nonpathologizing model
- focus on emotion
- focus on a corrective emotional experience
What main systemic technique does EFT draw from?
Minuchins structural approach
Emotions are:
they inform us and then communicate to others what our motivations and needs are; music to the attachment dance
What does Bowlby’s secure attachment look like?
self that is worthy of love and care; belief that others are dependable and worthy of trust
How is assessment and treatment used in EFT?
therapist functions as a process consultant; 2 conjoin and 2 individuals sessions
What are the 9 steps of EFT treatment?
- cycle de-escalation- Assessment, identifying the problem, accessing the unacknowledged emotions, reframing
- changing interactional positions- promoting identification, promoting acceptance, facilitating the expression of specific needs and wants
- consolidation/integration -facilitating the emergence of new solutions to old and consolidating new positions and new cycles
Does EFT use both first and second order change?
What is the final stage of EFT?
prototypical bonding- event where the 2 now accessible partners initiate a new cycle that characterizes engagement and responsiveness
Is EFT used for all couples? if not, what type of couple is it not?
couples where abuse is an ongoing part of the relationship, it is not used.