Chapt 14- Human Development Flashcards
Term: an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself
term: prominent aspects of personality that are exhibited in a wide range of important and personal contexts
personality traits
“goal of human behavior is simply to reduce the tension created by the accumulation of too much energy and to restore a state of equilibrium…” Who said..?
Human sexual energy is referred to as..?
human behavior then is motivated by the need to satisfy innate drives or …?
Eros -life force sexual expression
Freud refers “death instinct, aggressive tendencies as what?
What are the 5 psychosexual development?
oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
What are the 3 parts of personality according to Freud?
id, ego, and superego
term: the oldest and original function of the personality and the basis of the other two
- operates according to the pleasure principle
- motivated by seeking immediate gratification; impulsive, irrational, and reflecive
term: mediating between the id and the environment
- is the executive of the personality and follows the reality principle; can initiate or delay gratification of the sexual drive
term: last structure to develop, introjected and internalized values, ideals, and moral standards of society
- consists of the conscience and the ego-ideal
- strives for perfection, crates feelings of guilt
For a mature, healthy, adult….Freud pointed out that what governs what?
ego governs and controls the id and the superego
-constant battle to maintain a balance between the needs of the drives and the demands of the world
What did Freud believe in how personality disorders developed?
the id or the superego gaining control
What did Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages focus on?
adds to the impact of society and also extended development in mature adulthood
- each stage has a “crisis” or developmental task
- personality traits arise out of difficulties at the various stages
What are the 8 psychosocial stages of Erik Erikson’s theory?
- oral sensory
- muscular-anal
- locomotor-genital
- latency
- puberty and adolescence
- young adulthood
- adulthood
- maturity
What is the developmental task for oral sensory?
basic trust vs. mistrust
what is the developmental task for muscular -anal?
autonomy vs shame and doubt
What is the developmental task for locomotor-genital?
initiative vs. guilt
What is the developmental task for latency?
industry vs. inferiority
what is the developmental task for puberty and adolescence?
identity vs. role confustion
What is the developmental task for young adult hood?
intimacy vs. isolation
what is the developmental task for adulthood?
generativity vs. stagnation
what is the developmental task for maturity?
ego identity vs. despair
What is Carl Jung theory on personality?
believed personality is a network of interacting systems that strive toward eventual harmony
What are the primary structural components of Carl Jungs personality theory?
- ego- conscious perception of self
- personal unconscious
- collective unconscious
term: the residue of human evolutionary development shared by all people and consisting of archetype or universal thought forms and potential ways of being
collective unconscious
term: “penetrate into consciousness by means of myths, dreams, art, ritual, and symptoms..”
What did Alfred Adler believe about personalities?
that people’s personalities are shaped by their need to belong and to be recognized
-develop a subjective understanding of what the world is like
Adler believed that neurosis resulted due to?
unrealistic goals, overcompensation for feelings of inferiority, and lack of social interest
Karen Horney stated that personality is formed as …?
people develop defenses to permit them to cope and to minimize basic anxiety
- anxiety is created by social forces rather than by the human
- feelings of rejection, worthlessness, and hostility results in basic anxiety..
term: accepting feelings of helplessness and becoming compliant to win the affection of others
moving toward
term: accepting the enviro as hostile and rebelling against others to maintain control and protect oneself from harm
moving against
term: accepting little in common with others and isolating oneself to minimize the anxiety of having to interact with others
moving away
Harry Sullivan suggested that personality is the characteristic ways in which an individual deals with …?
other people in his/her interpersonal relationships
term: a pattern of energy transformation that characterizes an individuals interpersonal relations
ex: fear stems from earlier interactions in which the child was made to feel unsafe..
term: a group of feelings, attitudes, and thoughts that have arisen out of ones interpersonal experiences
behavioral therapy focuses on the understanding the connections between _____ and _____?
stimulus and a subsequent response (S-R)
-then manipulates reinforcement controlling the targeted behavior
type of therapy that consider cognitions to be an intervening variable between a stimulus and a response
Who were the major figures associated with CBT?
Skinner, Beck, Ellis, Bandura, Wolpe and Mechienbaum
Term: events classified by McGoldrick and Carter as : marriage, birth of a child, child entering school, child entering adolescence, child launched in to adulthood, retirement, and birth of a grandchild
Normative events
Term: events classified by Mcgoldrick and Carter: can occur frequently but not universally
miscarriage, marital separation, divorce, illness, disability, relocation of households, changes in SES, extrinsic catastrophe
Paraormative events
Type of family stress model that attempted to explain the differences in reactions to a stressful event among families
A- the stressor
B-the family’s crisis-meeting resources
C-definition the family gives to the stressor
X- the crisis
ABC-X family crisis model
term: a relatively stable predisposition to behave in a certain way..presumed to stay with the person…
- internal qualities, which are not directly observable
Humanistic psychologist, Carl Rogers, goal of therapy is to?
remove the obstacles that impede the individuals growth
-every client will develop his/her own full potential
Primary tool for Carl Rogers, client centered therapy is what?
is the attitude of the therapist toward the client
- has a genuine sense of caring, respect, and valuation
- client feels understood
- unconditional postive regard
- empathy
- helps clients develop congruence between his/her perception of his/her real self and ideal self
Behavioral therapist, like Skinner and Watson, focus on what in therapy?
on the clients current maladaptive behaviors and the antecedents and reinforces that maintain it
-they place little value on clients history
CBT therapists help clients?
become aware of the cognitive processes that contribute to their maladaptive behaviors/disturbed mood
- take responsibility for their problems
- treat their assumptions as hypotheses rather than facts
- build skills for successful interactions