gre practice test 1 Flashcards
Big Five
factor analyticial distillation of Catell’s 16-PF.
Extroversion Openness to Experience conscientiousness agreeableness neuroticism
Hans Eysneck
Related to Big Five
On Genetics and Personality: “the whole course of development of a child’s intellectual capabilities is largely laid down genetically, and even extreme environmental changes . . . have little power to alter this development”
Sensation Seeking Scale
Ralph Turner & Lewis Killian
crowds begin as collectivities composed of people with mixed interests and motives.
concept of personal space is a concept of territoriality of protecting one’s personal turf
refers to the stress or rhym of speech, not readily captured by orthography
Primacy Effect
refers to one part of the serial position curve and is thought to reflect retrieval of well reheared items from LTM.
Law of Specific Nerve Energies
Johannes Mueller
a receptor’s capability to give only one quality of experience (auditory for example) regardless of hot it is stimulated
Law of Parsimony or Occam’s Razor or Morgan’s Cannont
the scientific principle that things are usually connected or behave in the simplest or most economical way, especially with reference to alternative evolutionary pathways.
Law of Phylogeny
caused by a particular series of evolutionary steps
Law of tropisms
idiographic approach to personality
people have unique personality structures; thus some traits (cardinal traits) are more important in understanding the structure of some people than others
Idiographic view emphasizes that each person has a unique psychological structure and that some traits are possessed by only one person; and that there are times when it is impossible to compare one person with others. This viewpoint also emphasizes that traits may differ in importance from person to person (cardinal, central and secondary traits). It tends to use case studies, bibliographical information, diaries etc for information gathering.
Nomothetic approach to personality
people’s unique personalities can be understood as them having relatively greater or lesser amounts of traits that are consistently across people (e.g., the NEO is nomothetic)
The Nomothetic view, on the other hand, emphasizes comparability among individuals but sees people as unique in their combination of traits. This viewpoint sees traits as having the same psychological meaning in everyone. The belief is that people differ only in the amount of each trait. It is this which constitutes their uniqueness. This approach tends to use self-report personality questions, factor analysis etc. People differ in their positions along a continuum in the same set of traits.
Freud’s view of personality is
Adler’s individual psychology approach is
Gestalt therapy focuses on
the individual uniqueness
Viktor Frankl
founder of logo therapy, a form of existential analysis, Focuses on Kierkegaard’s will to meaning as opposed to Adler’s Nietzchean doctrine of will to power or Freud’s will to pleasure.
Logo therapy
logotherapy is founded upon the belief that it is the striving to find a meaning in one’s life that is the primary, most powerful motivating and driving force in humans
Life has meaning under all circumstances, even the most miserable ones.
Our main motivation for living is our will to find meaning in life.
We have freedom to find meaning in what we do, and what we experience, or at least in the stand we take when faced with a situation of unchangeable suffering
Adler’s Individual psychology
His method involved a holistic approach to the study of character. Adler said that one must take into account the patient’s whole environment, including the people the patient associates with. The term Individual is used to mean the patient is an indivisible whole.
Adler shifted the grounds of psychological determinance from sex and libido, the Freudian standpoint, to one based on the individual evaluation of world. He gave special prominence to societal factors. According to him a person has to combat or confront three forces: societal, love-related, and vocational forces. These confrontations determine the final nature of a personality. Adler based his theories on the pre-adulthood development of a person. He laid stress on such areas as hated children, physical deformities at birth, birth order, etc.
Adlerian psychology shows parallels with the humanistic psychology of Abraham Maslow, who acknowledged Adler’s influence on his own theories. Both individual psychology and humanistic psychology hold that the individual human being is the best determinant of his or her own needs, desires, interests, and growth.
Environment is immensely important (compensation, resignation, over-compensation).
Alfred Adler’s inferiority complex
Adler emphasized the importance of equality in preventing various forms of psychopathology, and espoused the development of social interest and democratic family structures for raising children.[14] His most famous concept is the inferiority complex which speaks to the problem of self-esteem and its negative effects on human health (e.g. sometimes producing a paradoxical superiority striving). His emphasis on power dynamics is rooted in the philosophy of Nietzsche, whose works were published a few decades before Adler’s. However, Adler’s conceptualization of the “Will to Power” focuses on the individual’s creative power to change for the better.
Tolman’s Latent learning (Stimulus-Stimulus) which would later rival Clark Hull’s reinforcement-driven views (Stimulus-Reinforcement)
he drew on Gestalt psychology to argue that animals could learn the connections between stimuli and did not need any explicit biologically significant event to make learning occur.
Gestalt Psychology opposed Structuralism
The whole is OTHER than the sum of its parts.
is a theory of mind Berlin school of experimental psychology.
Gestalt psychology tries to understand the laws of our ability to acquire and maintain meaningful perceptions in an apparently chaotic world. The central principle of gestalt psychology is that the mind forms a global whole with self-organizing tendencies. This principle maintains that when the human mind (perceptual system) forms a percept or gestalt, the whole has a reality of its own, independent of the parts. The original famous phrase of Gestalt psychologist Kurt Koffka, “The whole is other than the sum of the parts” is often incorrectly translated
Max Wertheimer
One of the three FOUNDERS OF GESTALT psychology along with Kurt Koffka, and Wolfgang Köhler.
Investigated the Phi Phenomenon
Phi Phenomenon
phi phenomenon is apparent movement caused by alternating light positions. Wertheimer illustrated this phenomenon on an apparatus he built that utilized two discrete lights on different locations. Although the lights are stationary, flashing the lights at succeeding time intervals causes the retina to perceive the light as moving.
Wolfgang Köhler
one of the three FOUNDERS OF GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY. Worked with Max Wertheimer and Kurt Koffka. Collaborated on the new holistic attitude towards psychology.
Köhler’s work on INSIGHT in chimps is seen as a turning point in the psychology of thinking. He CRITICIZED the concepts of INTROSPECTION (structuralism).
Köhler was against BEHAVIORISM
Kurt Koffka
one of the three FOUNDERS of GESTALT PSYCHOLOGY along with Max Wertheimer and Wolfgang Köhler.
Fritz Perls
He coined the term Gestalt Therapy to identify the form of psychotherapy that he developed with his wife. The core if enhanced awareness of sensation, perception, bodily feelings, emotion, and behavior in the present moment. Relationship is emphasized along with contact between the self, it’s environment and the other.
Findings on stress and pregnancy
Positive correlations between amount of maternal stress during pregnancy and fetal activity
Analogical mental imagery
the analog side thinks mental images are inner pictures
evidence from mental rotation studies
Moro Reflex
spreading out arms, unspreading arms
babinski reflex
spreading out toes when for is stroked
rooting effect
search for a nipple, is prompted by tactile stimulation of a newborn’s cheek
extreme of irrational fear of or aversion to crowds
the primary colors of additive mixing are
the primary colors of substrative color mixing are