Granmer Flashcards
Person, place, thing or idea
He, she, they, we, us, their
Action word. Describes what the subject of the sentence is doing.
The noun that is performing the action(verb) of the sentence
What are Coordinating conjunctions?
Conjunctions that connect two independent clauses.
What is a conjunction?
A word that connects words, phrases or clauses
What are Dependent clauses?
A clause that needs an independent clause to make a complete sentence
What is an Independent Clause?
clauses that can stand alone as a complete sentence
What is a Prepositional phrase?
a phrase including a preposition and the noun that follows it. Ex. The nurse parked her car in the garage. Prepositional phrase- in the garage
What is a Preposition?
A word that expresses the location of a noun or pronoun in relation to other words and phrases in a sentences.
when the verb happened. Must be the same tense throughout the whole sentence or passage.
When is the suffix, “er” used?
when comparing two things.
When is the suffix “est” used?
When comparing more than two things.
What is a concrete noun?
A noun that is a physical object or thing in the real world like ball, country or dog
What is an abstract noun?
A noun that is an idea and is not a physical thing like a feeling, emotion, freedom, hope
What are adverbs?
A word describing another adverb, verb or adjective
What are some rules about verbs?
-If the subject ends with an “s” the verb does not and vice versa.
- Must match the subject in pov, number(singular plural), and tense
When is the verb plural in a sentence?
When the subject is plural. When the subject of a sentence contains two or more nouns and are connected by “and”, the subject is considered plural so the verb should also be plural. Ex. The truck and car race around the track.
When is the verb singular?
When the subject is singular. When the subjects are connected by words like “either/or,neither,
/nor, not only/but also, the subject becomes singular and requires a singular verb.
What is the relationship between a subject and its verb?
They must both be singular or plural. If the subject is singular the verb must be singular. If the subject is plural the verb must be plural.
What number should the verb be when there are both singular and plural subjects?
The verb should match the closest subject.
What is a helping verb?
A verb that forms tenses and describes when an action occurs or if the action is possible. Ex. They were dancing. I can’t believe it.
What are linking verbs?
Verbs that describe what the subject is like or reference the senses. Ex. Alice is tall. Flowers smell nice.
What is a Verb phrase?
composed of the main verb and any helping verbs.
What is a noun phrase?
consists of a noun and any adjectives or modifiers
What is a simple sentence?
A sentence that only consists of one independent clause.
What is a compound sentence?
a sentence that has two or more independent clauses and no dependent clauses. Usually, the clauses are connected by a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
What is a complex sentence?
a sentence that has one independent clause and atleast one dependent clause. The clauses are connected by a subordinating conjunction.
What is a compound complex sentence?
a sentence that has two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Contains both a coordinating and subordinating conjunction.
What is a Consonant?
A letter that isn’t a vowel
What are some rules when adding suffixes?
- Double the final consonant when adding suffixes if the suffix starts with a vowel. Ex. Run running
- Drop the final vowel when adding a suffix. Ex. Observe- observance
- Change the final y to an I when adding a suffix
- When adding a suffix to a word that ends with a silent letter, drop the letter
How do you make a word that ends with an “o” plural?
By adding -es Ex. Tomato Tomatoes
What are coordinating adjectives?
Two or more adjectives describing the same noun. They must be separated by a comma
What is a modifier?
A word or phrase that describes another word. Adjective, adverb
Where are modifiers supposed to be placed in a sentence?
Directly next to a word they are modifying
What are some capitalization rules?
- Titles of people are capitalized when they precede the name they modify.
- Names of major holidays are capitalized. “Day” is only capitalized when it is part of the holiday’s name.
- Titles of relatives are capitalized when they precede a name but not when they stand alone.
What is a contraction?
A word that combines two words with an apostrophe. Ex. Can’t, don’t, let’s, isn’t
What must the word “seen” be used with?
A helping verb. Ex. Had seen