![Grammar] Present Continuous (temporary present) Flashcards
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (я в настоящее время - currently - учу) French for my upcoming trip to Paris
upcoming trip = предстоящая поездка
I’m currently studying French for my upcoming trip to Paris.
or: I’m currently learning
Мы ремонтируем нашу гостиную, поэтому дом сейчас в небольшом беспорядке.
ремонтировать = renovate; is messy = у нас бардак
We’re renovating our living room, so the house is a bit messy right now.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (Я прохожу обучение на) a software developer through an online course.
прохожу обучение на.. = train to be
I’m training to be a software developer through an online course.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (я подумываю о том, чтобы завести) a dog to have some company.
завести = get
I’m thinking of getting a dog to have some company.
or: thinking about
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (Я смотрю запоем) ‘Stranger Things’ right now. It’s so addictive!
it’s addictive /əˈdɪktɪv/ = затягивает
I’m binge-watching ‘Stranger Things’ right now. It’s so addictive!
/ˈbɪndʒ wɒtʃɪŋ/
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (Я учусь пользоваться) new software for my job. It’s a bit tricky.
учусь пользоваться: learn HOW TO use
a bit tricky: сложновато, непросто
I’m learning how to use new software for my job. It’s a bit tricky.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ the guitar (=я учусь играть на гитаре) It’s challenging but really fun.
notice: интересно = fun, NOT ‘funny’
I’m learning to play the guitar. It’s challenging but really fun.
notice: no preposition
notice: the + musical instrument
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (Я работаю над) a big project at work, and _ (это занимает) a lot of my time.
работаю над = work on; занимает много времени: take up a lot of time
I’m working on a big project at work, and it’s taking up a lot of my time.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (= Я помогаю) with a new marketing campaign at work. It’s a great learning opportunity.
помогаю = help out
I’m helping out with a new marketing campaign at work. It’s a great learning opportunity.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (Я думаю устроить - have) a small barbecue this Saturday. Would you like to come?
I’m thinking of having a small barbecue this Saturday. Would you like to come?
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (Я прохожу) an online cooking class. _ (это очень помогает - really help) me improve my skills.
I’m taking an online cooking class. It’s really helping me improve my skills.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (Я планирую сделать ремонт в) my room to give it a fresh look. (rede…)
give it a fresh look = придать ей новый вид
I’m planning to redecorate my room to give it a fresh look.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (мы переставляем) the furniture in the living room to give it a new look.
переставляем: rearrange /ˌriːəˈreɪndʒ/; a new look: новый вид
We’re rearranging the furniture in the living room to give it a new look.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (я работаю над улучшением) my computer skills. It’s essential for my job.
I’m working on improving my computer skills. It’s essential for my job.
| работаю над: work on;
essential /ɪˈsenʃl/: совершенно необходимо
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
Я планирую поездку на выходные в горы. I need a break from the city.
a weekend trip: поездку на выходные; a break from: перерыв от..
I’m planning a weekend trip to the mountains. I need a break from the city.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (я разрабатываю) a new marketing strategy for our latest .product launch.
product launch /lɔːntʃ/: запуск продукта
I’m developing a new marketing strategy for our latest product launch.
[Make a sentence in Present Continuous]
_ (я пробую) new healthy recipes чтобы добавить больше разнообразия в моё питание (m…)
recipe /ˈresəpi/: рецепт; variety /vəˈraɪəti/: разнообразия
I’m trying new healthy recipes to add more variety to my meals.