!Feedback November-December Flashcards
24/7 public syrveilance? I don’t think this is just an idea, this _ (уже реализовано).
24/7 public syrveilance? I don’t think this is just an idea, this has [already] been implemented. (present perfect!)
A lot of the reviews that we read online are not c_ (= can’t be trusted)
A lot of the reviews that we read online are not credible (= can’t be trusted).
Billions of dollars are spent on sh_ products.
= poor quality, дряные
Billions of dollars are spent on shoddy products.
BrE /ˈʃɒdi/
AmE /ˈʃɑːdi/
It’s possible that some of these reviews are _ (проплачены).
It’s possible that some of these reviews are paid for.
or: sponsored
A lot of these products are of inf_ quality. (= bad, second rate)
A lot of these products are of inferior quality. (= bad, second rate)
It’s never-ending holidays in the US. I mean, as soon as Christmas is over, we start preparing for St. Valentine’s Day.
[fill in the gap]
You’re right about holidays _ (never stop) in the United States..
You’re right about holidays never stopping in the United States..
I’m also dealing with neck pains because I have a s_ job. (= сидячая)
I’m also dealing with neck pains because I have a sedentary job. (= сидячая)
She was pregnant last month, but now she _ (родила девочку).
She’s given birth to a girl.
I spent the whole vacation b_-w_ Netflix (= watching series for hours and hours).
I spent the whole vacation binge-watching Netflix (= watching series for hours and hours).
or: binging Netflix
I try to avoid processed foods and to get plenty of _ (клетчатка).
I try to avoid processed foods and to get plenty of fiber.
I avoid making spontaneous purchases without first considering _ (насколько они будут appropriate).
I avoid making spontaneous purchases without first considering how appropriate they would be.
how + adj + sentence
[make this less passive aggressive usin the word mind]
Provided that you pay for (extra) insurance.
Provided you don’t mind paying for the insurance.
[add one word to this cleft sentence]
What we personally did we removed the money from..
What we personally did is we removed the money from..
or: was
I was really gutted when…
I was really gutted = disappointed
Why are you late?
I was helping _ (переводила старушку через дорогу).
Why are you late?
I was helping an old lady across the road.
[add one word]
What I’ve noticed that there are a lot of creative people in Russia.
WHAT I’VE NOTICED is that there are a lot of creative people in Russia.
(the verb was missing)
[fix this sentence using the word is]
There are a lot of creative people in Russia.
It doesn’t matter какой field.
It doesn’t matter WHAT the field IS.
They want to nip their development in the bud and stop / they / think for themselves.
= не дать им думать своей головой
They want to nip their development in the bud and stop them FROM thinkING for themselves.
In Australia, they raised the prices of cigarettes, and this resulted in _
= росте преступности
In Australia, they raised prices of cigarettes, and this resulted in an increase in crime rate.
other expressions with ‘rates’: birth rate / mortality rate / unemployment rate / divorce rate
[fix something here]
When you moved to the USA, that made a difference to the quality of your life?
When you moved to the USA, did that make a difference to the quality of your life?
Kate’s team members aren’t p_ their w_.
(= not doing their fair share of work)
Kate’s team members aren’t pulling their weight.
A team member has ina_ (= случайно) told the customer that another customer got a much lower price.
A team member has inadvertently told the customer that another customer got a much lower price.
What’s on the left? What’s on the right?
чёрная икра: caviar
красная: roe