Grammar- Nouns Flashcards
What is a Proper Noun?
Name given to a specific person, place, or thing- including titles of texts. e.g. Manchester, George Wells, Eiffel Tower.
What is a Common Noun?
Non-specific name, common to all similar items, e.g. van, city, church, giraffe.
What is a Concrete Noun?
Refer to things we touch or can experience physically, via the senses (e.g. snow, butter)
What is an Abstract Noun?
Name given to an idea, quality or concept that only exists in the mind, e.g. love, justice.
What is a Collective Noun?
Used to name a collection of people/animals/things, e.g. Flock of Birds.
Define Nouns.
Words which name people, places, things, ideas + concepts.
Define Verbal Nouns.
Nouns that are formed from a verb + partly share their construction.