Grammar Flashcards
What are the 6 elements of proper English?
- Parts of speech
- Parts of a sentence
- Mechanics
- Word order
- Word choice
- Word forms
What are the 8 parts of speech?
- Nouns
- Pronouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
- Interjections
What’s a verb?
A verb is a word that expresses action or being.
What are action verbs and what are 3 examples?
An action verb is word that implies action is being taken.
Examples: Running, climbing, loves
What are verbs of being and what are 3 examples?
A being verb is a word that indicates a state of being.
Examples: is, was, will be, being, been.
What are the 14 punctuation marks?
. = Full Stop ? = Question mark ! = Exclamation mark , = Comma ; = Semicolon \: = Colon -- = En Dash --- = Em Dash - = Hyphen [ ] = Square brakets { } = Braces ( ) = Brackets or Parentheses ‘ = Apostrophe “” = Quotation Marks ‘’ = Single Quotation Marks … or *** = Elipsis
What’s the symbol for a full stop?
When should a full stop be used?
When ending a sentence.
What’s the name of this “.” punctuation mark?
Full Stop.
What’s the symbol for a question mark?
When should a question mark be used?
Indicates a direct question. Should be placed at the end of a sentence.
What’s the name of this punctuation mark — “?”?
Question mark.
What’s the symbol for an exclamation mark?
When should an exclamation mark be used?
Indicates outcry or emphasis. Should be placed at the end of a sentence.
What’s the name of this punctuation mark — “!”?
Exclamation mark
What’s the symbol for a comma?
When should a comma be used?
Indicates a pause in a series
What’s the name of this punctuation mark — “,”?
What’s the symbol for a semicolon?
When should a semicolon be used?
Used to connect independant clauses.
What’s the name of this punctuation mark — “;”?