Gram Pos Bacillus Flashcards
Gram Pos Bacillus
Grows at refrigerator temp
source: soil, forage, animal feces
Listeria monocytogenes
Food poisoning, especially cold cuts & unpasteurized cheese
(time to ssx maybe slightly longer than staph A)
Listeria monocytogenes
Recall of ground meat
E Coli
Recall of sandwich meat
Listeria monocytogenes
Intracellular parasite?
Miscarriage/stillbirth, neonatal infection, encephalomeningitis
Listeria monocytogenes
Gram Pos Bacillus, aerobic, not spore-forming
Diptheria toxin - affects myocardium & other tissues
Corynebacterium diptheriae
pseudomembrane in throat, necrotic surface epithelium enmeshed in fibrous exudate
corynebacterium diptheriae
Gram Pos Bacillus, spore-forming, aerobic
Natural soil/environmental
Bacillus cereus
Food poisoning… Dried rice/dried beans
Emetic/diarrhea withing 6ish hours
Bacillus cereus
Larger rods than other Gram Positive Bacilli
Bacillus Anthracis
Easily aerosolized
Highly infectious (8000ish for infection)
Incubation: 1-6 days
Carried by phagocytic cells to lymph nodes
Initially: fever, malaise, mild chest discomfort (i.e., flu-like)
CXR: widened mediastinum
Pulmonary Anthrax
Bacillus anthracis spores germinate into bacteria. Bacteria then cause disease from what two toxins?
Edema toxin
Lethal toxin
A papule followed by a blister-like vesicle that leads to a necrotic lesion with black eschar….
Cutaneous anthrax (spores enter through a cut or abrasion)
95% of anthrax manifestations… lower mortality (20%) but can still lead to systemic infection
Food poisoning due to enterotoxin…
Spores on undercooked meat germinate/secrete ENTEROtoxins
not ingesting the toxin, but the spore that eventually creates the toxin
clostridium perfringens
Tissue invasion and possible necrosis due to exotoxins (cytotoxins) and invasive enzymes
clostridium perfringens