Gr.8 Unit 1 Flashcards
What is a worldview?
a way you look at the world, influenced by other things
What influences worldview
Religion - Ethnicity - Where you live - When you live - Age - Family etc.
5 things that influence YOUR world view and why? (this is a personal answer DO NOT COPY MINE)
I’m a christian and I believe that everyone/everything is beautiful. I’m 13 so my world view doesn’t include finances and mortgage problems. I live in Brandon MB so my “world” is pretty safe and peaceful. I have instagram and have learned about the P Diddy case so I think the music industry is a messed up place. My family isn’t upper middle class so my world view I would say is less materialistic and more experiences and memories based.
Why is it important to consider the worldview of others
It makes us more wise, it helps us become more open-minded and understand each other better. Also to prevent future arguments and disagreements.
What does the BIble say happened on each day of creation.
God creates light (day 1); the sky (day 2); the earth, seas, and vegetation (day 3); the sun and moon (day 4); animals of the air and sea (day 5); and land animals and humans (day 6)
Describe another cultures creation story
there was chaos and the universe was a giant egg with pangu. after a while pangu hatched the egg and light came from the egg and created the heavens Then pangu grew really tall that he seperated the heavens and earth then he grew some more that he got so big he had to split in half and the many opposites came from him (yin + yang and man + woman etc) Then he grew so big that he died and his body become the earth and its geographical features.
Describe the similarities and differences to the bible that your creation story of choice has.
Humans were created from a being (created in the image of God/ coming from pan gu being split in half) Heaven and earth, it happened overtime not just in one day. darkness at first. heaven and earth separated.
Chronology definition
the sequential order in which past events occur
What do the terms BC, AD, BCE and CE
BCE - before common era
CE - common era
BC - before christ
AD - anno domini (the year of our lord)
Why do we not use bc and ad anymore?
Because Non-christian obviously don’t believe in the lord.
What is a century and how are they numbered
A century is a period of 100 years or 10 decades. You number them by which on you are going to complete ex. 1969 is in the 20th century.
What were the two major time periods of prehistoric people called?
the paleolithic
and the neolithic
How did the Paleolithic people live.
they lived in caves or simple huts or tepees and were hunters and gatherers and they used basic tools out of basic materials.
What major discovery was made by the paleolithic people
Fire, How to make tools and how to make clothes out of animal skins.
What two major discoveries were made by the Neolithic people?
metal working and agriculture.
Where did AG first begin
Asia, africa, central america
What were the changes that agriculture brought.
Permanent settlements, specialization, government, people began to control the environment.
What did agriculuture due to population size
it made it bigger.
What does nomadic mean
moving from one place to another rather than living in one place all of the time
What has happened to the hunter-gatherer societies?
Their numbers have become way smaller.
Know the differences between hunter-gathers and agarians.
What is culture
all the ways of life including arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed down from generation to generation
Describe the three elements of culture
Values, ways of doing things, knowledge.
Describe why societies might change or stay the same
> new invention/techniques
> new authority figures
> environmental changes
Stay the same
< Isolation
< same leader
What are the 8 features of civilizations
cities, organized central governments, complex religions, job specialization, social classes, arts and architecture, public works and writing
Examples of the influence of the natural environment on the development of societies
~ Natural disasters can make people want to move away
~ Bad weather will make people move away
~ bad soil will make people move away
~ drought or too much rain will make people leave.
Describe ways in which societies organize, maintain and perpetuate.
Societies are organized by having the same belief/goal.
They maintain by having laws, rules etc. They perpetuate by having a leader or a way of doing things and have a name/symbol/
Compare and contrast civilization and societies.
(answer not finished)
= same goal/interest/belief
= they are both communities of some sort
=civilizations are more new and innovative
= Civila
What is bias
prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
Reasons for bias
Personal experiences, religion, stereotypes, age, weight, race, cultural context gender etc
why is it important to learn history
to learn from past mistakes and to prevent it from happening again.
the difference between primary sources and secondary sources.
Primary comes from the time but secondary comes from a primary source
how does archaeology, artifacts and literature enhance our understanding of the past.
Archa: how does archaeology, artifacts and literature enhance our understanding of the past.
Artif: can tell us where people lived; what they ate, wore, and used; and how culture changed over time
Liter: allows a person to step back in time and learn about life on Earth from the ones who walked before us. We can gather a better understanding of culture and have a greater appreciation of them
How does art, music and photographs help us know more about history
art:allows us to look back and understand how our civilization evolved over the centuries
mus: itreflects the time and place of its composition. Historians often look to music to learn more about a society and its culture
Pho: it helps shape our understanding of culture, history, and the identity of the people who appear in them.
How do journals and biographies aid us in knowing more of the time before us.
jour: help us picture what it was like to live in the past and remind us of the role that our choices play in shaping the future
Bio: By reading about the lives of notable individuals, we gain insight into their struggles, triumphs, and the circumstances that shaped them
How do oral histories make us more knowledgeable of the olden days.
by illuminating personal experience.