GQ - Raheem Sterling Flashcards
Context: Underrepresentation in the Magazine Industry
Historically, British Black men have been underrepresented in the magazine industry.In a 2018 study, completed by The Guardian, into glossy magazines, it was revealed that of 214 covers published by the 19 bestselling glossies in 2017,only 20 featured a person of colour. That’s 9.3%, whereas 13.7% of the UK are BAME.
Context: BLM
A wave of anti-racism had begun moving across the media from 2013, with the trending #blacklivesmatter, and employment of new editor of Vogue Edward Enninful in 2017. He has turned one of the nation’s most respected fashion magazines into a celebration of all beauty – not excluding blackness but championing it, inherently affecting other Glossies like GQ.
Context: Mark Simpson
“Metrosexual”: more socially
acceptable for men to openly care about their
looks, clothing and skincare regime.
‘Spornosexuals’: men
who are extremely body focused.
The selection of the GQ cover shot, with Sterling’s six-pack and muscles on show alongside the employment of expensive jewellery and leather pants that ooze of luxury, even though he is a footballer, supports both these concepts.
Context: Sterling vs. Racial Abuse
In 2018, Sterling took to social media to highlight racism in the British press - Since the social media post, Sterling has become a sought after spokesperson for charities, activists and other social causes.
Representation: Ethnicity
Using a hugely successful black cover star
(Raheem Sterling is British Jamaican) as their dominant image, GQ is presenting a role model for its readers, someone to aspire to be like.
Technical Codes: Lighting draws attention to his body and bare skin proving that he’s comfortable in his identity.
Breaking the fourth wall (mode of address) - he is speaking out to other victims of racism as well as the people who were the source of that racism - both confrontational and inspiring unanimously.
Epitome of (male) black success as he not only is wealthy, successful in his career, but is also strong and healthy, in his physicality but also mentally.
He is able to stand in the face of racism and still present his best self.
Representation: GENDER
1/ spornosexual - although the highlighting of his abs and body still speaks to hypermasculinity i.e. a pressure to be sporty and athletic, he still takes pride in his appearance as his arms are adorned with silver, and he is seen with majestic, almost elegant wings.
2/ Could be considered as a sexualized portrayal of Sterling although the readership of GQ is primarily men, this could have been intended to show other men that it’s a good thing to be liberal about presenting sexuality, and this does not have to include having huge muscles and not caring about fashion etc. the more common conventions of masculinity
3/ As a man, he depicts success, wealth, talent and good-looks, which have always been standardised expectations of men for years - he is almost the ultimate role model.
4/ The Magazine itself pedals what it means to be a successful man through the cover lines concerned with politics, fashion, football and successful male celebs.
Media Language: The Branded Masthead GQ
- Vintage gold colouring anchors ideas of luxury, refinement as well as presenting the magazine as metaphorical gold i.e. heavy, expensive and solid - it is a brand name that is recognised by many and is a strong option to read.
- Written codes - gentlemen’s quarterly - gentlemen connotes once again a sense of class as well as subtlety - this is not your traditional portrayal of what it is to be a man - we are gentlemen not aggressive, alpha males, but rather refined, educated and ‘gentle’ people.
Begins the z-line layout of the cover, which invites the observer to identify all features of the magazine.
Media Language: Colour codes
- key colouring of black reinforces undertones of masculinity
- golds = creates sense of cohesion in the design and connotes sophistication - could also be enhancing Sterling as a person since we can associate him with wealth and expense.
- oranges = connotations of hell provides anchorage for the narrative of the “fallen angel”
- Binary oppositions - white writing on black - could be exploring the idea that among hate, darkness and racism, Sterling emerges as a moral ideal - he is the honesty, purity and power in the face of evil that society needs to see.
Media Language: technical codes - camera
- Full body camera shot conveys confidence as well as guides our eye to is stance which speaks of power - furthermore it shows off his athleticism naturally since he is a footballer, as well as proving how vulnerable he is being at this point - he has nothing to hide and is being transparent with his fans about the hardships he’s faced.
Media Language: technical codes - lighting
- the lighting works as an almost spotlight on Sterling, idealising him and showing that he is the star of the show.
- The lighting illuminates his abs, skin and wings perhaps attracting a secondary audience of women as well as enhancing his features, making him appear as more supernatural almost, like an angel.
- The shadow that is created by the lighting could serve as an enigma code as it represents him leaving his past behind, and taking on a new role … anchors the “fallen angel” narrative once again … he’s almost mystic.
Media Language: dress codes
not a practical choice of attire as we would predict for a footballer, but a more fashionable one - spornosexual
the use of leather has connotations of sex, status, and luxury, all of which are elements used to elevate Sterling’s portrayal as a role model for other men.
The portrayal of his tattoos, which include the christian cross connote morality, as we would expect from our ‘angel’ and we can observe stars which links to RICHARD DYER’S STAR THEORY
the employment of jewellery
Media Language: mode of adress
1/ he’s breaking the fourth wall which could be him looking out to people who are inspired by him, as well as him intimidating and responding to those who abused him.
Roland Barthes Semiotics Media Language: symbols
the signifier here are the wings - they connote morality, supernaturality and freedom
Media Language: written codes - “guardian angel”
saviour - hero - protector
positions sterling as a moral figure who is championing the voices of those who have been marginalised
we can assume that a gq reader would have a degree of disposable income -
there is talk on keeping up with fashion trends
interests of a reader expressed through the cover lines include
men’s lifestyle