Government - Political Figures Flashcards
What are three things that Stephen Harper is?
MP, Leader of the Conservative Party and the Prime minister of Canada.
Who is this?
David Johnston
Who is this?
Lawrence Toet
Who is this?
Brian Bowman
What Party does Stephen Harper belong to?
Conservative Party
What Party does Greg Selinger belong to?
NDP Party
What Party does Lawrence Toet belong to?
Conservative Party
Who is this?
Thomas Muclair.
Leader of the New Democratic Party,
Leadder of the Official Opposition,
What are three things that Greg Selinger is?
MLA, Leader of the NDP Party and the Premier of Manitoba.
Who is David Johnston?
The Governor General of Canada.
Who is this?
DAryl Reid
Who is this?
Bidhu Jha
Who is this?
Greg Selinger
Who is this?
Stephen Harper
What Party does Daryl Reid belong to?
NDP Party