Gov Final Flashcards
Which group or branch of government has the power to make laws?
Legislative branch
What form of government has the power to enforce, and administer the law?
Executive branch
Which group or branch of government has the power to interpret laws, determine their meaning, and to settle disputes that arise within society?
Judiciary branch or the courts
Why is it important for those people, who find themselves in the majority listen and respect the rights of those individuals in the minority?
Majority today minority tomorrow
What theory regarding the creation of government claims that the state developed naturally out of the early family?
The evolution theory
What theory regarding the creation of government holds that one person or small group claimed control over an area and forced all within it to submit to that persons or groups rule?
The force theory
What are the fours characteristics of a state?
Population, territory, government, sovereignty
What form of government is headed by one person, such as a king or queen, who exercises supreme authority?
What type of colony was directly controlled by the English king?
Royal colony
A legislature that consists of two houses or chambers is called what?
Bicameral legislature
American colonists opposed taxation based upon the argument that taxes represented “taxation without what”
What war beginning in the year 1754 Leaves Great Britain with a massive debt causes Great Britain to restrict the trade of the American colonies and influences king George III and parliament to impose new taxes?
The French and Indian war
What was the only branch of government was intended to serve whom?
The people
What individual is considered to be the primary author of the Declaration of Independence?
Thomas Jefferson
The continental congress adopted the Declaration of Independence on what date?
July 4th, 1776
Why did the convention delegates decide to meet in secret?
Avoid outside pressure, change their minds, not to panic or alarm the American people
What type of colony was based on a grant of land by the English monarch to a proprietor, or owner, an individual or group who financed the start of the colony?
Proprietory colony
A legislature that consists of one house or chamber is called what?
How many president(s) was proposed under the Virginia plan?
James Madison was especially fond of the constitutions preamble because it started with what?
“We the people”
How many senators does each of the iffy states currently have in the U.S. Senate as a direct result of the Connecticut compromise at the constitutional convention?
What did the anti federalists believe that the constitution would create for the national government?
A too powerful government
What type of economic system does the United States currently have?
Capitalism and free enterprise system
What is the name for the group of delegates that were in favor of having a strong (central) national government?
Anti - Federalists
What was the name for the group of delegates that were in favor of having a strong (central) national government?
What was the name, for the plan of government proposed by the large states?
The Virginia plan
What did the small states what representation in the new congress to be based upon?
The debate between the delegates at the constitutional convention at times became so heated that some delegates nearly got into what?
Fists fights
What individuals did the delegates to the constitutional convention vote to stop the importation into the United States, starting the year 1808?
African slaves
In what Pennsylvanian city did the constitutional convention he was also elected to serve as the first president of the United States?
George Washington
What document was not originally included with the constitution, but was added at a later date?
The bill of rights
What was the weather like during the constitutional convention in the summer of 1787?
Unusually hot
What was the name for the plan of government authored by William Patterson and proposed by the small states at the constitutional convention?
The New Jersey plan
Which of the original thirteen states (the smallest) did not send a delegation to the constitutional convention?
Rhode Island
What other famous American document was also created at independence hall?
The Declaration of Independence
What delegate to the constitutional convention was considered to be the architect of the Virginia plan, and is known as the “father of the constitution”?
James Madison
Who were two delegates from the state of Virginia that refused to sign the contusion because each man had differences of opinion regarding the document?
George mason and Edmund Randolph
Who has the power to veto proposed laws?
The president
What branch of the federal government is responsible for interpreting of judging the meaning of laws?
The judiciary branch
What two groups, evolved into this nations first political parties as a result of the division created over the ratification of the constitution?
Federalists and anti- federalists
What is the preamble?
The introduction to the constitution
Who is the head of the branch?
The president
How many amendments are currently apart of the U.S. Constitution?
What past president first established the “no-third-term” tradition?
George Washington
The U.S. Congress has for,ally declared war five times; what previous wars were not formally by the U.S. Congress?
1812 Mexican-American, Spanish-American, WWI, WWII
How did the framers of the constitution emphasize the importance of the American people, when it comes to the U.S. Constitution?
“We the people” in the preamble
Our American republic is based upon the idea of majority rights
Minority rights
How are the powers of government divided in a federal system of government?
Between the national and the 50 states governments
Only the president has the authority to approve an amendment for it to be written in the constitution.
2 methods of proposal, 2 methods of ratification
The constitution consist of what three parts?
Preamble, articles, amendments
What can the American people do, if they no longer like or care for. Current amendment to the constitution?
They can amend the constitution
The U.S. Constitution is considered to be p, when it comes to the law?
“Supreme law of the land”
What is the only amendment to have ever been repealed?
The eighteenth amendment
What judicial power was first established in the 1819 Supreme Court case Marburg v. Madison?
Judicial review
Can a candidate who has won the popular vote lose a presidential election?
How many members are currently serving in the U.S. Senate?
The members of the U.S. House of Representatives are elected to serve for how many years?
2 years
During what month of the year does a new term/session begin for congress?
How many members are currently saving in the U.S. House of Representatives?
What is a veto?
The presidents rejection of a congressional bill
Who are the only people that can sponsor / introduce a bill into either the house is senate?
The members of congress
What is the minimum age for a member of the U.S. Senate?
30 years old
What level of education has the majority of theme,bears of congress achieved?
Who can make suggestions for a law?
What racial group of people occupies the majority of seats in congress?
What is the minimum age for a member of the U.S. House of Representatives?
25 years old
What is a two-house chamber of legislative body called?
How often (in years) are the seats in the U.S. House of Representatives apportioned or redistributed amongst the fifty states?
Every 10 years-concides with U.S. census
What is the general age of the members of congress?
Fifty +
What is the length of a term for a U.S. Senator?
Six years
A bill that applies to all of American people and society is known as what?
Public bill
How many members of the United States senate are necessary in order to remove a federal official from office as a result of an impeachment trial?
2/3 vote
Where must any bill involving appropriations or revenue start the legislature (law-making) process?
The House of Representatives
What is the minimum number of representatives, that each of the fifty states is guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution?
A tax that an individual pays directly to the government is called what?
Direct tax
How is the very first bill identified after it has been introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives? The senate?
HR1- S1
The political party that has the most members in each house/chamber of congress is known as what party?
The majority party
How is debate in the U.S. House of Representatives different from the U.S. Senate?
The debate in the house is limited unlike the senate where it is unlimited
When a congressional bill is passed by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate p, the bill must be in what form in order to go on to the president and potentially become a law?
In identical form
When is the vice president serving as the president of the senate allowed to vote?
If there is a 50/50 it vote
During a filibuster, what is filibustering senators not allowed to do?
Si down, stop talking, leave the senate at anytime, can’t eat, not restricted about the subject they are addressed to discuss
How many years is a president elected to serve?
4 years
Today, Druing what month of the year does a new presidential term begin?
What president was elected to four consecutive terms in office beginning in 1932, and following in 1936, 1940, along with 1944, breaking the No-third-term tradition?
Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR)
What official takes over for the resident if they would happen to die while serving in office
Vice President
What book is traditionally used eh. The toes dint elect takes the oath of office
The bible
In the past president elects have traditionally finished the oath of offic with what response
“So help me god”
What is the minimum age for an individual to hold th efficient of president of the United States
35 years old
What is current annual salary that the president of the United States receives?
Who has traditionally sworn in the president elect on Inauguration Day?
The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
What power does the president have as the chief legislator leader?
The power to sign bills into law or veto bills
What president established the percedent of the no third term tradition?
George Washington
What religious faith, have the vast majority of the United States presidents been associated with?
What group is the Vice President constitutionally required to preside over?
The U.S. Senate
In order to hold the office president, what is the minimum number of years that an individual must have been a resident of the United States?
14 years
Who was the only president to officially resign from office in American history
Richard Nixon
Who does the constitution give the power and responsibility to declare war?
The U.S. Congress
Under what circumstances may the House of Representatives impeach the president of the United States?
For treason, bribery, other high crimes, and misdemeanors
Before the left ion of barrack Obama, all previous presidents have been what race?
What requirement involving ones birth influence who and who cannot serve as president of the United States?
Must be native born
What is one of the formal duties assign to the Vice President by the United States constitution other than succeed the resident, or preside over the U.S. Senate p
Count the electoral college votes after a presidential election