GORD Flashcards
What is GORD?
Chronic condition where reflux of gastric contents - bile, acid and pepsin - back into oesophagus -> heartburn and acid regurg symptoms
What symptoms are atypical but present in GORD?
Dental erosions
What are the diagnosis of GORD on endoscopy?
Oesophagitis - orophageal inglammation and erosions seen
Endoscopy negatie reflux disease - symptoms of GORD but normal endoscopy
Pathology of GORD
transient relaxation (reduced tone) of the lower oesophageal sphincter, increased intra-gastric pressure (for example straining and coughing), delayed gastric emptying, and impaired oesophageal clearance of acid
GORD risk factors
Stress and anxiety
Smoking and alcohol
Trigger foods - coffee, chocolate, fatty foods
Drugs that decrease LOS pressure
Hiatus hernia
How do coffee + chocolate vs fatty foods worsen GORD?
c+c -> lowered LOS tone,
Fatty foods - delay gastric emptying
Drugs that increase risk of GORD
Alpha blockers
Beta blockers
Tricyclic antidepressnts
Risk factors for developing barretts oeophagus
Long duration and increased frequency of GORD symptoms
Prev oesophagitis or hiatus hernia, stricutre or ulcers
Complications of GORD
Oesophageal ulcers
Oesophageal haemorrhage
Anaemia - chronic blood losss - severe oesophagitis
Oesophageal structure - fibrosis narrows lumen
Aspiration pneumonia
Oral problems - gingivitis, eroisions, halitosis
What is barretss oesophagus?
Columnar metaplasia of distal oesophagus
Malginant potential + risk oeophageal adenocarcinoma
Lifestyle advice for GORD
Lose weight if overwieight
Avoid trigger foods - coffe, chocolate, tomatos, fatty, spicy
Smaller meals and eat evening meals 3-4 hours before going to bed
Stop smoking
Reduce alcohol consumption
Mananging GORD
Raised head of bed, not additional pillows
Assess for stress and anxiety
Ask about OTCs
Offer lifestyle advice
Review meds + consider stopping exacerbatinig
Medication management for proven GORD
Full dose PPI for 4 weeks to aid healing
Severe oesophagitis medicaiton
Full dose for 8 weeks to aid healing and as long term maintenance treatment
When are PPIs given in the day?
30 mins before breakfast and evening meal