God A05 Flashcards
Book 1 - Purpose for writing
“Assert [His] Eternal Providence, And Justify the ways of God to men” (Paradise Lost 1:24-5).
Eternal Providence
contextually refers to gods commitment to refer his plan for the world. Milton reinforces use of free will to be inseparable from this plan
-develops idea fall is greater good to allow us to choose a free and loving relationship
This is the argument about the fall called felix culpa or “happy fault.”
CS lewis
Milton anthropomorphises God overly and therefore makes him seem cold, unfeeling and tyrannical.
Miltons God alike to ‘Stalin.. Inattentive of his peoples wishes and desires’
-limits intelctuall development/autonony to uphold idea of an idyllic utopia of eden
More recent criticisms of Paradise Lost have speculated as to whether Adam and Eve really do fall in book 9 at all, or whether they are just realistically flawed human being