Eve A05 Flashcards
Virginia Woolf called him “the first of the masculinists,”
An advocate of the rights or needs of men
Sees women as tool to conceive this
The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce
(1643), Milton wrote that ‘who can be ignorant that woman was created for man, and not man for woman?’ But he justifies divorce because an acrimonious marriage would be considered blasphemy by Milton.
Genesis 3:16
women ‘helper’ made from ‘flesh of my flesh’, a material possesion
Yet your urge shall be for your husband, / And he shall rule over
the betrayal in the garden reminds us of Christ’s own betrayal by Judas in the garden of Gethsemane’
Ameile Rorty
‘akrasia of the emotions generallyfollows akrasia of interpretation” (Rorty 340)- eves emotinal degredation by adam leads to poor judgement, the emoitons not voluntary but caused by adam
Eve is is by no means the hollow temptress whose presence in earlier accounts of the Fall renders them so inconsistent” (p. 88)
‘Milton sees part of himself in Eve,
since it is through Eve that Sin and Death come into existence, she could be seen as the mother of sin”
All women are judged for displaying an appetite as they long been “haunted by the hunger of eve’
Hortus Conclusus - Translates to ‘A garden enclosed’
Medieval walled garden
Edens narrow citcuit becomes an allusion to it
Symbol of the constrained female body, of purity and innocence
The Book of Solomon
‘A garden enclosed Is my sister, my spouse,’
Symbol of impenetrability, inviolability (purity) and seclusion
Feminist interpreations see it as a reminder of how Eve is defined by biological essentialsim