G.O. 8.1.6 USE OF FORCE POLICY Flashcards
A deputy must consider the following factors when
using physical force:
(a) the severity of the alleged crime at issue
(b) whether the suspect
poses an immediate threat to the safety of the officers or others
(c) whether the
suspect is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight.
G.O.8.1.6 (2)
When deadly force is justified,
it shall be considered a last resort and be employed for effect and not for warning.
G.O.8.1.6 (2)
The Electronic Control Device (ECD) is a device designed to disrupt a subject’s sensory
nervous and motor nervous systems by means of deploying battery powered
electrical energy sufficient to cause uncontrolled muscle contractions and override an individual’s voluntary motor responses. This does include the Electronic Restraint System (ERS)
G.O.8.1.6 (3C)
The Electronic Control Device (ECD) is A device designed to disrupt a subject’s sensory
nervous and motor nervous systems by means of deploying battery powered
electrical energy sufficient to cause uncontrolled muscle contractions and override an individual’s voluntary motor responses. This does NOT include the Electronic Restraint System (ERS)
An injury NOT prohibiting normal duties or activities (e.g. bruise, redness, slight strain).
Slight Physical Harm
Moderate Physical Harm
Great Bodily Harm
Slight Physical Harm
G.O.8.1.6 (3E)
Can NOT perform normal duties, medical treatment
necessary (e.g., strains and sprains).
Slight Physical Harm
Moderate Physical Harm
Great Bodily Harm
Moderate Physical Harm
G.O.8.1.6 (3F)
Harm to the body which involves a risk of death, serious
permanent disfigurement, loss of or impairment of a bodily function or bodily organ.
Slight Physical Harm
Moderate Physical Harm
Great Bodily Harm
Great Bodily Harm
G.O.8.1.6 (3G)
Subject Resistance Levels:
no physical harm: A subject is there, on the scene,
with accompanying suspicious activity.
Aggravated Physical Resistance
Aggressive Physical Resistance
Active Physical Resistance
Passive Physical Resistance
Verbal Resistance
G.O.8.1.6 (4A1)
Subject Resistance Levels:
no physical harm: A subject may verbally
refuse to comply with a deputy’s requests or attempts to control the situation. The subject may threaten the deputy with further resistance. Or, the subject may not verbally respond to the deputy.
Aggravated Physical Resistance
Aggressive Physical Resistance
Active Physical Resistance
Passive Physical Resistance
Verbal Resistance
Verbal Resistance
G.O.8.1.6 (4A2)
Subject Resistance Levels:
slight physical harm: A subject
physically refuses to comply or respond to a deputy’s
command. He/she does not make any attempt to physically defeat the actions of the deputy but forces the deputy to employ physical maneuvers, chemical agent to establish control.
Aggravated Physical Resistance
Aggressive Physical Resistance
Active Physical Resistance
Passive Physical Resistance
Verbal Resistance
Passive Physical Resistance
G.O.8.1.6 (4A3)
Subject Resistance Levels:
slight to moderate physical harm:
A subject makes physically evasive movements to defeat a deputy’s attempt at control. This may be in the form of bracing or tensing, attempts to push/pull away or not allowing the deputy to get close to him/her.
Aggravated Physical Resistance
Aggressive Physical Resistance
Active Physical Resistance
Passive Physical Resistance
Verbal Resistance
Active Physical Resistance
G.O.8.1.6 (4A4)
Subject Resistance Levels:
moderate physical harm: A
subject make overt, hostile, attacking movements which may cause injury, but are not likely to cause death or great bodily harm to the deputy or others.
Aggravated Physical Resistance
Aggressive Physical Resistance
Active Physical Resistance
Passive Physical Resistance
Verbal Resistance
Aggressive Physical Resistance
G.O.8.1.6 (4A5)
Subject Resistance Levels:
a great bodily harm: A
subject makes overt, hostile, attacking movements with or without a weapon with the apparent ability to cause death or great bodily harm to the deputy or others.
Aggravated Physical Resistance
Aggressive Physical Resistance
Active Physical Resistance
Passive Physical Resistance
Verbal Resistance
Aggravated Physical Resistance
G.O.8.1.6 (4A6)
Officer Response Levels:
no potential for physical harm:
The deputy is there, on the scene, with the
subject. This includes proper voice and/or other
identification, body language, and awareness by the
subject that he/she is dealing with a deputy.
b. Field Interview Stance: The deputy adopts a stance
outside of his/her danger zone that provides appropriate protection and forms the basis of an effective physical response if attacked.
Command Presence
Physical Control
Intermediate Weapons
Deadly Force
Command Presence
G.O.8.1.6 (4B1)
Officer Response Levels:
no potential for physical harm; Dialogue: A two way, controlled, non-emotional
communication between the deputy and subject, aimed at problem identification and/or resolution Verbal Direction: A deputy tells or commands a subject
to engage in or refrain from a specific action or non-action. Touch: A touch used to comfort or console a distraught individual. A deputy may use a soft assisting touch when guiding, directing or obtaining the attention of a subject, or a firm, strong touch prior to escalating to a higher level of force.
Command Presence
Physical Control
Intermediate Weapons
Deadly Force
G.O.8.1.6 (4B2)
Officer Response Levels:
slight potential for physical harm:
a. Restraint devices: Mechanical tools used to restrict a
subject’s movement and facilitate searching; such as
handcuffs, flex cuffs, leg irons, belly chains, optional
nylon restraining devices, etc.
b. Chemical Agent Individual Protection Device: Aerosol
spray agent used to subdue a subject.
c. Transporters: Techniques used to control and/or move
a subject from point A to point B with minimum effort by
the deputy in order to gain and retain control over the
d. Take Downs: Techniques that redirect, in a controlled
manner, a subject to the ground in order to limit his/her
physical resistance and to facilitate the application of a
restraint device.
e. Pain Compliance: Techniques that force a subject to
comply with a deputy as a result of the deputy inflicting
controlled pain upon specific points in the subject’s
body, such as pressure point techniques.
f. Electronic Restraint System (ERS) for prisoner control.
g. Counter Moves: Techniques
Command Presence
Physical Control
Intermediate Weapons
Deadly Force
Physical Control
G.O.8.1.6 (4B3)
Officer Response Levels:
slight to moderate potential for
physical harm:
a. Impact Weapons that are primarily used to control a
subject such as an expandable baton or side handle
b. Flashlight, clipboard or any other item used as a
weapon of opportunity.
c. Electronic Control Device (ECD) as governed in
General Order 8.1.8.
Command Presence
Physical Control
Intermediate Weapons
Deadly Force
Intermediate Weapons
G.O.8.1.6 (4B4)
Officer Response Levels:
moderate potential for physical harm:
a. Excluding less-lethal impact projectiles and an ECD,
techniques that are intended to stun or render a subject
temporarily unconscious or unable to resist. These
techniques may be delivered with or without an impact
weapon, such as a strike to a major nerve area.
b. The use of neck restraints are prohibited, however
empty hand techniques may be utilized in
circumstances or situations where the actions of a
subject constitute aggravated physical resistance which could result in great bodily harm, permanent disability,
permanent disfigurement or death to the deputy or
Command Presence
Physical Control
Intermediate Weapons
Deadly Force
G.O.8.1.6 (4B5)
Officer Response Levels:
high potential for great bodily harm or death:
a. Techniques that may result in death, great bodily injury,
permanent disability or permanent disfigurement, such
as impact weapon strikes to the head, or use of
firearms as defined in F.S.S. 776.06.
Command Presence
Physical Control
Intermediate Weapons
Deadly Force
Deadly Force
G.O.8.1.6 (4B6)
factors that must be considered when making use of force decisions: Deputy Factors:
Size, physical ability, and defensive tactics expertise of the deputy.
- Number of deputies present or available.
- Immediate reaction in the case of sudden attack.
- Weapons or restraint devices available to the deputy.
- Legal requirements.
- Agency policy.
- Environment.
G.O.8.1.6 (5)
An on-duty supervisor shall respond to every use of force incident which requires
the completion of a Defensive Tactics/K-9 Report Form, to include a K-9
apprehension if the K-9 supervisor is not available to conduct a review.
G.O.8.1.6 (5C)
The supervisory review should include:
a. speaking with the involved deputy;
b. speaking with the suspect consistent with training;
c. ensuring witness statements (verbal or written) are obtained and/or reviewed;
d. ensuring photographs are taken, if possible, of significant injuries
and/or impact points if an ECD was deployed. (Refer to General
Order 8.1.8 regarding ECD deployment and other responsibilities.)
G.O.8.1.6 (5C)
The Defensive Tactics/K-9 Report Form, including all documents, shall be
forwarded to Professional Standards and a copy sent to Training.
G.O.8.1.6 (C4)
An incident involving a K-9 apprehension require a K-9 supervisor respond to the scene.
G.O.8.1.6 (C5)
An incident involving a K-9 apprehension DOES NOT require a K-9 supervisor respond to the scene.
However, the K-9 supervisor shall be responsible to
conduct a thorough review of the incident to ensure the K-9 apprehension
was in compliance with agency policy. The Defensive Tactics/K-9 Report
Form, including all documentation obtained during either the on-duty
supervisor’s or K-9 supervisor’s review, will be forwarded through the K-9
deputy’s chain of command for review.
When an employee of the agency uses a baton, a Defensive Tactics/K-9
Report Form, must be prepared and forwarded to the Division Commander,
along with a copy of the Offense Report.
G.O.8.1.6 (D4)