Glycogen Metabolism Flashcards
blood glucose is requirement for human life. Glycogen is stroed in the form of glucose. Liver and muscles (10%) are the main storage place.
It is a branched chain homopolysaccharide made from a-d-glucose. Primary glycosidic bond is an a-(1-3) linkage. Average 8-10 glucosyl residues there is a branch which is an a(1-6) linkage. Lysosomal enzymes continusouly degrade glycogen, unknown reasons but can cause storage disease.
Liver Glycogen
saturated in well fed and depleted during fasting (between meals)
Muscle Glycogen
not depleted during short fasting states but may be during long inteense fasting (think days) Depleated during strenuous exercise and replenished after. (Short but INTENESE workout)
Increases solubility, rate & degredation, protects from destruction. Branch points are a(1-6) glycosidic bonds.
Glycosyl, 4-6, Transferase
Branching enzyme required to create the 1-6 point.
Glycogen synthase
elongation enzyme for glycogen a(1-4) links
Amylo-(1-4,1-6) transglycosylase
is the branching enzyme which forms glycogen
When is a branch created?
A transfer of a terminal chain segment consisting of 7 residues. This must come from a chain of at least 11 residues and must be 4 apart from the other branch point.
Glycogen Phosphorylase
cleaves the primary alpha 1,4 glycosidic bonds
Debranching enzymes
Alpha a 4 transglycosylase (glycosyl transferase)
Amylo alpha 1-6 glucosidase
Alpha a 4 transglycosylase
Transfers the last3-4 resdues (limit) of a branched chain to the primary chain
cleaves the 1-6 linkage of the final glucose on a branch point via hydrolysis releaseing free glucose.
Von Girke
glucose 6 phosphate defect in the liver and kidney. Increase amount of normal structure. Enlarged liver, failure to thrive, severe hypoglycemia, hyperlidemia, hyperuricemia, ketosis
Pempe Disease
a 1,4 glucosidase lysosomal defect affects all organs. massive increase in glycogen levels but normal structures. Cariorespiratory failure death before age 2
Cori Disease
Amylo 1,6 glucosidase (debranch) defect in muscle and liver. Increased amount of glycogen but shorter outer branches. Milder than von girke
Andersen disease
Branching enzyme 1,4 and 1,6 defect in liver and spleen. Normal amount of glycogen long outer branches. Cirrhosis of lvier death before 2
McArdles Disease
Phosphorylase defect in muscles. Moderate increase in glycogen with normal structure. No strenous exercise due to cramping. Otherwise normal