glossary terms 1-44 quiz Flashcards
antemortem and/or postmortem injuries resulting from friction of the skin against a firm object resulting in the removal of the epidermis
localized accumulation of pus
to bluntly adjoin another structure; ex. the line of eye closure
acetone dimethyl ketone
a colorless liquid which is used to soften and remove scabs; a solvent for restorative wax, or a stain remover
acquired facial markings
facial markings that develop during one’s lifetime, primarily as a result of repetitious use of certain muscles
sticking to or adhering closely; substances which may be applied in order to sustain contact of two surface
a colloidal solution dispensed as a mist
after image
psychological; a visual impression remaining after the stimulus has been removed
alveolar process
a bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the maxilla and the superior surface of the mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth
alveolar prognathism
an abnormal protrusion of the alveolar process(es)
a material or technique employed to secure tissues or restorative materials in a fixed position; an armature
angle of the mandible
a bony angle formed by the junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the mandible and the inferior surface of the body of the mandible; marks widest part of the lower 1/3 of face
angle of projection
the degree from vertical at which the surface(s) of a prominent feature projects
angulus oris eminence
the small convex prominence found lateral to the end of the line of closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking
angulus oris sulcus
the groove found at each end of the line of the closure of the mouth; a natural facial marking
before death
before or in front of; an anatomical term of position and direction which denotes the front or forward part
anterior nares
the external openings of the nostrils
the inner rim of the ear
a small eminence obliquely opposite the tragus on the superior border of the lobe of the ear
aqueous humor
a clear, thin, alkaline fluid which fills the anterior chamber of the eyeball
curved, as the beak of an eagle; as viewed from the profile, a nasal profile which exhibits a “hook” or convexity in its dorsum
arch of the wing
the inferior margin of the nasal wing which forms a distinct concave arc superiorly
framework; a material, commonly of pliable metal or wood, employed to provide support for a wax restoration
to draw out liquids or gases by means of suction
lack of symmetry, balance, or proportion
basic pigment
four hues which correspond to the pigments of the skin
basket weave suture
(cross stitch) a network of stitches which cross the borders of a cavity or excision to anchor fillers and to sustain tissues in their proper position
beard area
those areas of the fleshy lips, cheeks, chin, and neck which exhibit hair growth
two sides
bilateral differences
dissimilarities existing in the two sides or halves of an object
bilateral view
an inferior or superior viewpoint which permits the comparison of the two sides or halves of an object or facial feature
a chemical which lightens or blanches skin discolorations
the act of lightening a discoloration by hypodermic means or by surface compress
color which escapes at the edge of a mixture
body of the mandible
the horizontal portion of the lower jaw
a raised support; the arched portion of the nose which is supported by the nasal bones; a structure or span connecting two parts of a mutilated bone
bridge stitch
(interrupted suture) a temporary suture consisting of individually cut and tied stitches employed to sustain the proper position of tissues
buccal cavity
the space between the lips and the gums and teeth; the vestibule of the oral cavity
buccal depression
natural, shallow concavities of the cheeks which extend obliquely downward from the medial or lateral margins of the cheekbones
the principle muscles of the cheek which compresses the cheeks and forms the 5 lateral walls of the mouth
bucco-faical sulcus
the vertical furrow of the cheek; an acquired facial marking
buck teeth
dental prognathism
to oxidize or to cause to be oxidized by fire or equivalent means; a tissue reaction or injury resulting from the application of heat, extreme cold, caustic materials, radiation, friction, or electricity