final exam Flashcards
the care of the deceased to create natural form, contour, and texture is
restorative art
what is a case consideration for restorative art
postmortem changes
in order to become better restorative artists, what basic anatomy should we know
bone markings
by understanding the characteristics of facial features, what restorative art skill can we better develop
tissue building
what benefits do restorative artists receive by washing the body before embalming
clearer picture of the deceased
what is a restorative art factor embalmers have to consider when choosing vessels for arterial injection
visibility of incisions
what part of the embalming process is most sensitive to change
embalming solution injection
why is it important to choose the most appropriate incision closure
visibility or leak prevention?
what does formaldehyde do
preserve proteins
what does a buffer do
balance pH
what does a surfactant do
reduce surface tension
what does an anticoagulant do
break up clots
what is an example of pathology
effects of disease
what are general categories of restoration
minor and major
what type of restoration do you need to have permission for
what is an example of a minor restoration
tissue building and swelling reduction
what is an example of a major restoration
dental fixes and recoloring a discolored face
what is a contusion
swelling is the outcome of what case consideration
injuries and pathologies
loss of hair is the outcome of what case consideration
age and pathology
what is an example of an abarsion
road rash
medical devices are what kind of case consideration
addiction is what kind of case consideration
what is an outcome of purge
dehydrated skin
what is an outcome if dehydration is caused by embalming
shriveled lips
restorative art procedures that require minimal time and basic skill
minor restoration
restorative art procedures with greater time requirements and a higher skill level
major restorations
the enlargement of a body part as a result of a buildup of fluid in the tissues
removal of the superficial layer of skin due to friction
the sloughing off of the epidermis
this is a small jutting out eminence that lies midway between the foreman magnum and the angular summit of the bone
external occipital protuberance
these make up the widest part of the cranium
parietal eminences
this is a small depression on the undersurface of the temporal bone and the condyle of the lower jaw fits here
mandibular fossa
this serves as the attachment of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
mastoid process
this is a long, thin arched process which arises from the skull directly above the ear passage and determines the widest part of the face
zygomatic arch
a single bony prominence of the frontal bone located between the supraciliary arches in the inferior part of the frontal bone at the root of the nose
ear passage
external auditory meatus
a rounded prominence on either side of the median line and a little inferior to the center of the frontal bone
frontal eminences
this forms an irregular triangle and is the front border of the lateral margins of the eye socket and forehead
squama temporal cavity
this is the vertical portion of bone, comprises anterior and superior part of bone and is scale like, thin, and translucent
separates frontal and parietal bones
coronal suture
separates parietal bones from one another
sagittal suture
connects a single temporal bone to a single parietal bone on each side
squamosal suture
connects both parietal bones with the occipital bone
lambdoidal suture
separates occipital bone and the mastoid portion of the temporal bone
occipitomastoid suture
separates the sphenoid bone and the squamosal portion of the temporal bone
sphenosquamosal suture
separates the zygomatic bone and the zygomatic process of the temporal bone
zygomaticotemporal suture
what is the large opening on the occipital bone which permits entry of the spinal cord
formen magnum
these lie above medial ends of the eyebrow and separated from the frontal eminences by a shallow depression
supraciliary arches
these articulate with the atlas of the vertebrae
occipital eminences/condyle?
rounded eminence at the articulation end of the mandible
this is a bony depression located in the central front area on the undersurface of the bony hard palate, directly behind the incisors
incisive fossa
what makes up the widest part of the jaw
angle of the mandible
articulates with the maxilla - located on the inferior and medial region and creates the inferior and lateral border of the eye socket
maxillary process
inferior portion of the nasal septum
vomer bone
the surface of a zygomatic bone that articulates with the zygomatic process of the temporal bone - articulates with the temporal bone laterally, creating the arch of the cheek
temporal process
small sharp spur that creates the bony anatomical limit of the nose
nasal spine
elongated triangular structure - provides direction of anterior natural concavity of the cheek
zygomatic process
this is between mental eminence and incisor teeth and is responsible for recession of central plane of lower integumentary lip
alveolar crest
this extends superiorly and anteriorly besides a nasal bone and articulates with frontal bone
frontal process
shaped like a crows beak, anterior process of the ramus to which temporalis muscle attaches
coronoid process
this is posterior to the maxilla and makes up the posterior hard palate
palatine bone
forms greater part of roof of mouth
palatine process
articulates with the frontal bone - creates the lateral border of the eye socket
frontal process
vertical portion of the mandible
this is the greatest width of the anterior plane of the face and creates prominence of the cheek
zygomatic bone
create the bridge of the nose
nasal bones
the vertical, sometimes indistinct, line found along the midline on the body of the mandible
mandibular symphysis
raised border/ridge
raised protrusion
less raised crest
projection bone
a male skull has the less prominent supraorbital rims
the female skull has a more defined mandible
muscles that cooperate with each other
what a muscles does
fixed muscle attachment
movable attachment of a distal end of a muscle, moves towards origin
alignment of muscle fibers
a broad flat sheet of connective tissue that serves as a muscle attachment
fibrous membrane that covers, supports, and separates muscles as well as unites the skin with underlying tissues
subcutaneous covering which allows free movement of the skin
superficial fascia
envelops and binds muscles
deep fascia
connective tissue for the attachment of muscles to bones
fleshy, central part of a muscle
circular muscle constricting an orifice
contrary action of one muscle
orbicularis oculi origin
frontal and maxillary bones and ligaments around the eye socket
orbicularis oculi insertion
orbicularis oculi action
blinking, squinting, and drawing eyebrows inferiorly
orbicularis oculi antagonistic
levator palpebrae superioris
temporalis origin
temporal fossa
temporalis insertion
coronoid process of the mandible by a tendon which lies deep to the zygomatic arch
temporalis action
closes jaw and is the primary muscle of mastication
corrugator origin
arch of the frontal bone
corrugator insertion
skin of the eyebrow
corrugator synergisitic
orbicularis oculi and procerus
corrugator other name
frowning muscle
orbicularis oris origin
mandible, maxilla, and other muscles surrounding the lips
orbicularis oris insertion
muscles and skin at the angles of the mouth
orbicularis oris action
purses and protrudes the lips for kissing and whistling
orbicularis oris other name
puckering muscle
frontalis origin
galea aponeurotica
frontalis insertion
skin of the eyebrows and root of the nose
frontalis action
raises eyebrows and wrinkles nose
frontalis other name
muscle of surprise
procerus origin
skin of the nose
procerus insertion
procerus action
draws eyebrows downward
procerus synergistic
corrugator and orbicularis oculi
galea aponeurotica origin
occipital and temporal bones
galea aponeurotica insertion
galea aponeurotica
galea aponeurotica action
pulling galea aponeurotica stabilizes position of frontal belly
masseter origin
zygomatic arch and bone
masseter insertion
angle and ramus of the mandible
masseter action
levator palpebrae superioris origin
inside the eye socket
levator palpebrae superioris insertion
levator palpebrae superioris action
opens eye
levator palpebrae superioris antagonistic
orbicularis oculi
levator labii superioris origin
zygomatic bone and maxilla
levator labii superioris insertion
muscle and skin of upper lip
levator labii superioris action
opens lips
buccinator origin
molar region of the maxilla and mandible
buccinator insertion
orbicularis oris
buccinator action
compresses cheek for whistling and sucking
buccinator other name
buglers/trumpeters muscle
depressor anguli oris origin
outer surface of mandible
depressor anguli oris insertion
angle of the mouth
depressor anguli oris action
pulls corner of mouth downward
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi origin
frontal process of maxilla
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi insertion
skin of the nostril wing and the upper lip
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi action
lifts upper lips and dilates the nostril
mentalis origin
below the incisor teeth on mandible
mentalis insertion
skin of the chin
mentalis action
protrudes lower lip in pouting expression and wrinkles the chin
depressor labii inferioris origin
outer surface of the mandible
depressor labii inferioris insertion
skin of the lower lip
depressor labii inferioris action
depresses and draws lower lip laterally
zygomaticus origin
zygomatic bone
zygomaticus insertion
skin and muscles at the corners of the mouth
zygomaticus action
raises corners of the mouth
zygomaticus major other name
laughing muscle
zygomaticus minor other name
smiling muscle
levator anguli oris origin
anterior surface of the mandible **
levator anguli oris insertion
corner of the mouth
levator anguli oris action
elevates angle of the mouth
risorius origin
deep fascia of the face
risorius insertion
skin at the angle of the mouth
risorius action
retracts angle of mouth
risorius other name
smiling/laughing muscle
platysma origin
fascia of pectoral and deltoid muscles in the chest
platysma insertion
lower margin of the mandible as well as the skin and muscles at the corner of the mouth
platysma action
depresses the mandible, pulls the lower lip back and down, and tenses skin of the neck
sternocleidomastoid origin
manubrium of sternum and medial portion of clavicle
sternocleidomastoid insertion
mastoid process of the temporal bone and the nuchal line of the occipital bone
sternocleidomastoid action
turns and pulls the head down
fat cells
loose connective tissue all over your body
main producer of skin color
yellow orange pigment in plants
found in blood
top layer of skin
second, deeper layer of skin
superficial fascia/adipose tissue
cells to protect your epidermis
aka vitiligo - localized absence of pigment
aka suntan - immune response to UV light
overabundance of bilirubin in the persons system
yellow discoloration
benign tumor made up of blood cells
type of angioma that is present at birth, and can leave a discoloration
groupings of capillaries near the hairline and eyes, present at birth but typically fade
macular stain
present on a persons face and can darken or develop bumps
port wine stain
aka age/liver spots
reduction of pigmentation in a persons entire body
increased areas of pigment that can occur in clusters
aka mole
margin apparently formed by the doubling upon itself on a flat anatomical structure. may exhibit a definite margin
a furrow or groove (wrinkle)
a narrow or trench like groove on the surface
a narrow channel or depression
an elevation in the skin
elevation on the corner of the mouth, caused by the insertion points of the muscles of the mouth
angulus oris eminences
furrows at the corner of the mouth, result of the folding of the skin in the corners of the mouth
angulus oris sulcus
indentations on the cheek or chin
indentation between the inferior integumentary lip and the top of the chin
labiomental sulcus
gap posterior to the wing of the nose
nasal sulcus
anterior fold of the cheek that descends from the nose to the corner of the lips
nasolabial fold
shallow curving groove, originating below inner canthus of eye
oblique palpebral sulcus
groove beneath the chin that varies intensity based on adipose tissue
submental sulcus
runs between columna nasi and medial lobe of upper mucous membrane
natural healing process when wound is crusted over the top
least severe, light sunburn, deydration
first degree burn
results from friction burns (skinned knee)
complete incineration
fourth degree burn
cuts made intentionally pre or post mortem
creates blisters
second degree burns
jagged cuts resulting from sharp objects, shallow or deep, treat like an incision
results from heat or electricity
penetration of sharp object
charring of the skin, tissue destruction
third degree burn
transverse wrinkles on the forehead, caused by the use of the frontalis muscle
transverse frontal sulci
lateral and posterior to the buccofacial sulcus, raises from beneath the mandible up the side of the cheek
mandibular sulcus
aka furrows of age, wrinkles that radiate from the mucous membranes of the lips, caused by the puckering of the orbicularis oris
labial sulci
wrinkles on the upper eyelid
superior palpebral sulci
nasolabial folds deepen when one smiles, furrow which may develop along the margin of nasolabial fold
nasolabial sulcus
appear in the inferior medial corner of your eyes
inferior palpebral sulci
transverse furrow of the neck
platysmal sulci
aka crows feet, wrinkles that radiate from the lateral corner of the eye
optic facial sulci
vertical furrows posterior to the nasolabial folds
buccofacial sulci
vertical prominences of varying length, caused by loosening skin from the underlying muscle
cords of the neck
wrinkles between the eyebrows, vertical, caused by the action of the corrugator
interciliary sulci
localized accumulation of pus
dental prognathism
buck teeth
lack of symmetry, balance, or proportion
four hues which correspond to the pigments of the skin
basic pigment
to bluntly adjoin another structure, ex. the line of eye closure
the act of lightening a discoloration by hypodermic means or by surface compress
a colorless liquid which is used to soften and remove scabs, a solvent for restorative was, or a stain remover
acetone dimethyl ketone
natural, shallow concavities of the cheeks which extend obliquely downward from the medial or lateral margins of the cheekbones
buccal depressions
facial markings that develop during ones lifetime, primarily as a result of repetitious use of certain muscles
acquired facial markings
two sides
sticking to or adhering closely, substances which may be applied in order to sustain contact of two surfaces
the horizontal portion of the lower jaw
body of the mandible
to oxidize or to cause to be oxidized by fire or equivalent means, a tissue reaction or injury resulting from the application of heat, extreme cold, caustic material, radiation, friction, or electricity
a colloidal solution dispensed as a mist
color which escapes at the edge of a mixture
psychological, a visual impression remaining after the stimulus has been removed
after image
dissimilarities existing in the two sides or halves of an object
bilateral differences
a bony ridge found on the inferior surface of the maxilla and the superior surface of the mandible which contains the sockets for the teeth
alveolar processes
a chemical which lightens or blanches skin discolorations
an abnormal protrusion of the alveolar process
alveolar prognathism
an inferior or superior view point which permits the comparison of the two sides or halves of an object or facial feature
bilateral view
a material or technique employed to secure tissues or restorative materials in a fixed position, an armature
a bony angle formed by the junction of the posterior edge of the ramus of the mandible and the inferior surface of the body of the mandible, marks widest part of the lower 1/3 of face
angle of the mandible
those areas of the fleshy lips, cheeks, chin, and neck which exhibit hair growth
beard area
the degree from vertical at which the surfaces of a prominent feature projects
angle of projection
the space between the lips and the gums and teeth, the vestibule of the oral cavity
buccal cavity
before death
a raised support, the anchor portion of the nose which is supported by the nasal bones, a structure or span connecting two parts of a mutilated bone
a network of stitches which cross the borders of a cavity or excision to anchor fillers and to sustain tissues in their proper position
basket weave suture
a clear, thin, alkaline fluid which fills the anterior chamber of the eyeball
aqueous humor
framework, a material, commonly of pliable metal or wood, employed to provide support for a wax restoration
to draw out liquids or gases by means of suction
a temporary suture consisting of individually cut and tied stitches employed to sustain the proper position of tissues
bridge stitch
a specialized type of dense connective tissue, attached to the ends of bones and forming parts of structures, such as the nasal septum and the framework of the ear
a chemical capable of drying tissues by searing, caustic
cauterizing agent
substance used to promote the adhesion of two separated surfaces, such as the lips, the eyelids, or the margins of an incision
reduced to carbon, the state of tissues destroyed by burning
a hollow or shallow concave area in a surface
a clear syrup like liquid which evaporates, leaving a contractile, white film, a liquid sealer
directly opposite hues on the color wheel, any two pigmentary hues which, by their mixture in equal quantities, produce gray
a broken bone which pierces the skin
compound fracture
gauze or absent cotton saturated with water or an appropriate chemical and placed under or upon tissues to preserve, bleach, dry, constrict, or reduce swelling
exhibiting a depressed or hollow surface, a concavity
a facial profile variation in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip
concave convex profile
a state of stretching out or becoming inflated
a state of being twisted or pushed out of natural shape or position
a depressed profile form which may dip concavely from root to tip
concave nasal profile
a basic facial profile form in which the forehead protrudes beyond the eyebrows while the upper lip and chin project equally to an imaginary vertical line
concave vertical profile
a wooden or metal rod used as an armature
treatments of a restorative nature performed during an embalming operation
the outline or surface form
the color of an object being changed or completely destroyed when one color of illumination strikes an object of a completely different color
curved evenly, resembling a segment of the outer edge of a sphere
a material employed to fill cavities or excisions and to serve as a foundation for the superficial wax restoration
deep filler
a profile variation in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin protrudes beyond the plane of the upper lip
convex concave profile
(roman; aquiline) a nasal profile which exhibits a hump in its linear form
convex nasal profile
a basic profile form in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin recedes from the plane of the upper lip
convex profile
having an abnormal amount of fat on the body
that part of the human skull which encloses the brain
the horizontal plate of the ethmoid bone separating the cranial cavity from the nasal cavity
cribriform plate
the topmost part of the head
a commercially prepared solvent used to remove dead cuticle from the nails and obstinate scabs
cuticle remover
separation of compounds into simpler substances by the action of microbial or autolytic enzymes
loss of water from the body or tissues
(desiccation) the loss of moisture from body tissue which may occur antemortem or postmortem, rendered thoroughly dry, exhausted of moisture
ligature around the superior and inferior teeth employed to hold the mandible in a fixed position
dental tie
to lower inferiorly or to reduce projection
(dermis, skin) the corium, or true skin
a profile variation in which the forehead recedes from the eyebrows while the chin and upper lip project equally to an imaginary vertical line
convex vertical profile
a variation from the common or established
a frontal view geometric head shape which is widest across the cheekbones, narrowing in width in both the forehead and jaws
a double bellied muscle which draws the hyoid bone superiorly
what is the outer rim of the ear
where does the helix terminate
what is the shallowest depression of the ear located between the helix and antihelix
scaphoid fossa
the inner rim of the ear is the
the antihelix terminates in the
the second deepest depression of the ear is the
triangular fossa
the triangular fossa is located in the
upper 1/3
the feature of the ear that collects sound and directs into the ear passage is the
the deepest depression of the ear is the
what is located within the concha
what is located in the middle third of the ear
what is a way to fix a sagging ear lobe
cotton place behind it
directly beneath the medial portion of the orbital region - sides of the nose to the zygomatic arch
infraorbital region
area covered by orbicularis oris - base of the nose to the top of the chin - angulus oris eminences
oral region
created by your frontal bone and frontalis muscle - superior to your eyebrows - include the glabella
frontal region
between the infraorbital regions - includes the entire nose
nasal region
surrounds your eyes
orbital region
lateral to the infraorbital region - begins from the lateral border of the infraorbital/orbital region to the ear
zygomatic region
lateral border of the oral region to the edge of the mandible - plane lateral of the base of the nose to the bottom of the mandible
buccal region
corners of your mouth to the bottom of your mandible - top of your chin to the bottom of your chin
mental region
the 4 anatomical guides to be used for relocating the placement of a detached ear
- external auditory meatus
- zygomatic arch
- mandibular fossa
- mastoid process
calculation to determine morphological forms of the nose
nasal index
where the nose meets the forehead
inferior to the glabella - most superior portion
anterior ridge of the nose
superior portion of the dorsum
nasal bridge
most protruding part of the nose
widest points of the nose
nasal ala/nasal wings
medial division of the nostrils
columella/columnar nasi
most anterior projection of the nose
protruding lobe
anterior nares
triangular concavity located medial and superior to the eye
naso-orbital fossa
covers the lacrimal caruncle - flap of skin in the most medial portion of your line of closure
inner canthus
aka “bags under your eyes”
orbital pouch
when the dorsum is in a straight line
straight or greek nose
dorsum has an outward projection or bump
convex or hook/roman/aquiline nose
dorsum dips toward face in profile creating a concavity
concave or infantine nose
skin portion of your upper lip
superior integumentary lips
depression in the middle of the upper integumentary lip
edge of the inferior mucous membrane to the labiomental sulcus
inferior integumentary lips
long and narrow nose - historically assigned to europeans
moderate in width and length for a nose - historically assigned to asian people
wide and flat nose - historically assigned to african people
(T/F) the eye shape resembles a cashew nut in shape
(T/F) the eye line of closure is in the middle 1/3 of the eye
(T/F) when restoring an eyelash, you can glue hairs down in the line of closure
(T/F) heat is one way to reduce swelling
(T/F) when restoring a distorted nose, you can use a supporting mechanism in the nostrils
(T/F) a cold compress can help in reducing swelling