Glossary R Flashcards
A basic requirement for conducting valid experiments. According to this principle, research participants must have an equal chance of being exposed to each level of the independent variable
random assignment of participants to experimental conditions
Negative reactions to threats to one’s personal freedom. Reactance often increases resistance to persuasion and can even produce negative attitude change or opposite to what was intended.
The view that prejudice stems from direct
competition between various social groups over scarce and valued resources.
realistic conflict theory
Shifts in the boundaries between our ingroup
(“us”) and some outgroup (“them”). As a result of such recategorization, people formerly viewed as outgroup members may now
be viewed a belonging to the ingroup and consequently are viewed more positively
Groups of people with whom we identify and
whose opinions we value.
reference groups
Our social ties with other individuals, ranging from casual acquaintance or passing friendships, to intense, long-term relationships such as marriage or lifetime friendships
Zajonc’s finding that frequent contact
with any mildly negative, neutral, or positive stimulus results in an increasingly positive evaluation of that stimulus.
repeated exposure effect
A strategy for making judgments
based on the extent to which current stimuli or events resemble other stimuli or categories.
representativeness heuristic
We weigh possible losses more heavily than equivalent potential gains. As a result, we respond more negatively to changes
that are framed as potential losses than positively to changes that are framed as potential gains.
risk averse
The set of behaviors that individuals occupying specific positions within a group are expected to perform